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"Paz wake yo butt up!" Ashlynn yells smacking me with a pillow. "What?" I grumble in to the pillow. "Jacob called asking for you" Ashlynn says. "When?" I ask sitting up. "He's on the phone right now but its on mute" Ashlynn responds handing me the phone. "Hey Jacob" I say in to the phone. "Hi did I wake you?" he asks. "Erm no I had to get up anyway" I lie. "h okay. So I was wondering if you want to catch a movie or something tonight?" Jacon says. "Sounds fun" I respond. "Great. I'll pick you up at six then": Jacob says happily. "See you then" I respond hanging up the phone. "Paz has a date!" Ashlynn screams running through the house.

"You look amazing" Gavi gushes. "Thanks" I respond blushing. "Wow. Where are you going?" Luke asks coming in to the room. "The movies" I respond grabbing my phone. "Nice. Hey Gav can you give us a second?" Luke asks biting his lip. "Uh sure" gavi says leaving. "Can you tell me who's helping you?" Luke pleads. "I cant tell you Luke. I told you that" I respond. "C'mon I thought we told each other everything" Luke says. "So did I" I snap. "Youre still mad?" Luke asks standing up. "No. I'm just not allowed to tell you. I gotta go" I respond walking out of my room. 

"That was so fun" I laugh. "Yeah it was" Jacob responds. "Can I tell you something?" he asks running his hand through his hair nervously. "Yeah of course" I respond. "I really like you. Like a lot" Jacob says. "Really?" I ask. Instead of responding he kisses me. At fist I'm startled but I kiss back. "God I've wanted to do that forever" Jacob says smiling. I nervously bite my lip. "will you be my girlfriend?" he asks nervously. "Yeah" I respond smiling. He smiles and then kisses me again. "Lets get you home" he says taking my hand. "Okay" I respond. 


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