Jacob pt.2

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Jacob's POV

It's be roughly 7 almost 8 months since Anna ,Rose and I moved back to SA. Anna and I even saved up enough money to buy our own 2 bedroom house. Today we are setting up for Rose's 1st birthday party. "Baby where are all the cups?" Anna asks as she bounces Rose up and down in her arms. "In the kitchen on the counter where all Rose's bottles are" I reply taking Rose from Anna so she can go finish setting up. I lay Rose down on my bed and grab her outfit for the party. When I finish she stands up and bounces up and down on her bed.

"People are starting to show up!" Anna yells from downstairs. "C'mon baby girl" I say picking up Rose and taking her downstairs. I put her down in the play room and go and greet everyone. "Paz Justin Paige Ash Gavi Zeke Luke! So glad you all could make it!" I announce giving them all individual hugs. "Wheres Rosie?" Paz asks smiling. "Play room" I answer and before you know it her and Ashlynn are running in to the play room to see Rose. "Hows Ashlynn?" I ask Zeke grabbing something to drink. "Shes the best" he responds smiling. "I'm glad she found someone" I say and Luke smiles. "Justin what are you doing?" I ask when he starts dancing in the living room. "Um partying?" he responds cranking up the music.

"Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Rosie hapy birthday to you" we all sing as my dad brings out her birthday cake. Here eyes widen when she sees how big it is. "Mine!" she yells making everyone laugh. "Lets take some pictures of her eating the cake!" Anna yells grabbing the camera. I place the cake in front of Rose and she sticks her hand in it and shoves the handful in her mouth. "Thats my girl" I laugh smiling. It feels good to know that I still have all my old friends even though my life changed dramatically. I look around and see everyone smiling.

"Hey bestie!" Paz squeals hugging Anna. "Oh god have I missed you!" Anna replies hugging her. "Rose is going to bed" I say picking her up. "Night baby girl" Paz says kissing her forehead. "Goodnight my baby" anna says kissing her softly on the cheek. "Be right back" I say getting up. I place Rose in to her crib and kiss her head. 

"Gavi you and Daniel still going strong?" Zeke asks. "Yup stronger than ever" she responds smiling. "We-" Luke is interupted by the doorbell ringing. "Gavi get the door" Paz yells. "Yeah" Anna agrees laying her head on Paz's shoulder. "Daniel?" I hear Gavi shriek. "Suprise baby" he says. When the two of them walk in to the room Daniel glares at me. If looks could kill. "Suprise. Happy 15th" the girls says smiling. "Thank you guys" she says hugging them. "Happy birthday Gav" Luke says hugging her. "Happy birthday!" I exclaim faking a smile as I hug her. "Thanks" she says latching on to Daniel. "Well get some sleep see you in the morning guys!" Anna exclaims hugging them all excpet Daniel. thats my girl. "c'mon babe" I say taking her hand in mine. "I'm sorry they said she would love this suprise" Anna says when we are laying in bed. "Its okay. G'night babe I love you" I reply kissing her. "i love you too" she responds closing her eyes.

A/N 3 chapters in one day :) dedicated to Gavi for practically bribing me in to updating this many times haha love  u alll xx

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