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"Paz I lovvee youu" Jacob says kising me. We have been dating for six months now. "I love youu.. Dont forget me these next to weeks" I respond wrapping my arms around his neck. "I wont ever forget you" he says kissing my forehead. "Have fun in Miami" I say softly. "I will. And I'll call you everyday. I promise" Jacob assures me. "Good. See you in two weeks" I say kissing him once more. "I love you" he whispers. "I love you too" I respond. "Flight 1A to Miami boarding now" the lady on the intercom says. "Bye" I mumble. "Love you" he whispers letting go of me. "I love you" I respond turning around so he doesnt see me crying.

"He'll be back in two weeks" Gavi says rubbing my back. "I know" I respond leaning my head on Ashlynn's shoulder. "You guys are so cute" my mom gushes coming in to the room. "Yeah cuz my tear stained face is adorable" I joke. "Ha ha. Okay so you guys my brother is staying with us over the summer with his wife and son Zeke" my mom responds. "The whole summer?" I gasp. "How old's Zeke" Ashlynn says at the same time. "Yes and he is 16" my mom says answering both of our questions. "Okay. When are they coming?" Gavi asks. "Two weeks from today. We are picking them up at the airport. All of us" my mom says. "I'm supposed to meet Jacob at the airport mom" I say. "Too bad. Family is more important" my mom says sternly leaving the room. 

"Hey this is Jacob I cant get to the phone right now please leave a message and I might get back to you later" Jacob's voicemail sounded. "Hey Jacob just checking in to make sure you made it to Miami. Uh call me back. I love you" I say before hanging up the phone. "He'll call back" Ashlynn says climbing in to my bed with me. "Why arent you with James?" I ask. "We broke up. Mutual decision" Ashlynn responds. "I'm sorry" I respond. "Its fine. We just grew apart thats all" Ashlynn says. "Okkayy" I respond. "Lets watch a bunch of movies. You get the movies I'll get the junk" I add happily. "You always know how to make me happy" Ashlynn says looking through the movies. 

"So I got the popcorn soda and candy" I say walking in to the room. "And i've got a bunch of movies ready" Ashlynn says. "Matching PJ time!" I yell. "Yesh hurry so we can watch the movie" Ashlynn agrees throwing me our matching pajamas. After we get changed we lay down on our stomachs and start watching the movies while eating all the junk food.

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