Coming Home

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"Paz!" Payte yells engulfing me in a big hug. "I missed you so much!"  I exclaim wrapping my arms around him tightly. "Hey" Anna smiles. My eyes widen when I see her twin boys. They named one Isaiah and the other Xander. I run over to Anna and hug her. "I missed you" she whispers. "I missed you more" I reply picking up Rose. "Paz!" she squeals. "Hey baby girl" I exclaim kissing her cheek. "I have to get to an interview I will see you guys later!!" I announce walking over to Bill. 

"That was great!" Bill states smiling. "Thank you" I reply high fiving him. "So are you ready to get back in the studio?" he asks as we get in to the limo. "Yeah totally" I answer texting my mom to let her know we were on the way home. "Great! I wll call you sometime next week" Bill says when we get in my driveway. "bye" I call walking up the front porch. I sigh and open the door.

"Suprise!" Everyone yells. There's a huge sign that says 'We Are So Proud Of You' and theres cake and balloons and a DJ booth. "Paz!" Luke calls. "Yeah?" I ask. "Can we talk?" he questions biting his lip nervously. "Paz come here please" Payte pleads. "Be right back. Stay here" I promise Luke before going over to Payte. "I know you are probably going to hate me for this but you should be with Luke. Let him explain everything to you" Payte says. "So we are friends now?" I ask. "Best of friends" Payte corrects. "Okay" I state going to find Luke.

"I was a complete idiot" Luke starts off. "I just lost my temper and I shouldn't have broken up with you because you are the best thing in my life. When we broke up Tinashe's management told me I should date her to get her more publicity and I was getting paid for it so I agreed. I should not have but I did" he continues. I look up at him and see guilt written all over his face. "Paz I shouldn't have because the only person I want to be with the rest of my life is you" he says quietly. "REally?" I manage to squeak out. "Really" he confirms leaning in. I lean in too and when our lips touch it is the greatest feeling in the world. "So are we boyfriend girlfriend again?" Luke asks. I nod and wrap my arms around his neck. "Thank you" he whispers before kissing me again.

A/N This story is almost done!!! What did you guys think of this chapter? Are you happy #Laz is back together or did you like Payte and her better? 

Pic on side is of Jacob, Anna, Rose, Isaiah and Xander>>>

p.s thanks to gavigaviota for coming up the name Xander!! xx

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