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Anna's POV

"Hey baby boy" I say picking up Isaiah. He puts his hand on my face and smiles. I know it's kinda odd, I'm 18 and already have three kids, one being two and the other two 6 months old but I am happy with the way my life turned out. "Hey you ready to go?" Jacob asks from the doorway. "Yup hold on one second" I answer placing Isaiah in his crib. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and then walk over to Xander. Xander was born with an illness that is uncurable but he can live with it. I kiss him on the cheek and then follow Jacob to Rose's room. "Paz is here!" she calls pointing at Paz. "I noticed" I laugh giving her a quick hug. "Bye mommy" Rose calls as Jacob and I leave her room. I'm reallly thankful that even though Paz and Jacob dated, we are all extremely close because my kids love Paz. 

Jacob and I arrive at this extremely fancy restaraunt and my eyes widen. "This is amazing!" I gasp wrapping my arms around Jacob. "Only the best for you" he responds kissing my forehead. I look around and take in all thhe beautfiul interior surrounding me. I would love to have a big enough house for me to decorate. "Here baby" Jacob says leading me to an empty booth in the corner. "You've outdone yourself Mister" I exclaim sitting down across from him. "I can never outdue myself for you or my kids" he explains smiling. 

"I've been thinking" Jacob starts as we finish ordering desert. "About?" I ask. "Us and our future" he replies getting down on one knee. My heart begins pounding a million miles a second. "Anna will you marry me?" he asks pulling out a beautiful diamond ring. "Yes!" I exclaim and he puts the ring on my finger. "I love you and the kids and I will never love anybody else" he says wrapping his arms around me tightly.

Luke's POV

I was sitting at the table writing a song when Paz texts me. 

Paz: hey can you ask Ash and Gavi to come over for me?

Me: Yeah I'll have them tell you when they are on their way 

"Ash Gav, Paz wants you to go over to Jacob's house!" I yell loudly. "See yah" they call leaving the house as fast as they can. "Bro when are you proposing to Ashlynn?" I ask Zeke. "She just turned 17 calm down bro" he laughs. "You are in love with her" I agrue. "You're in love with Paz!" he defends. "We're only 16" I explain pointing a finger at him. "Ooo" he mocks putting his hands up. "Shut up" I groan causing him to laugh. "So what are you writing?" he asks taking the paper from me. "Yo this is really good" he exclaims after he finishes reading. "Yeah" I mumble taking it back from him. "Who's it for?" he asks. "I dunno. I just wrote a bunch of lyrics down and came up wiith this" I answer. "Okay" he replies. "So I really wanna ask Ash" he starts. "Called it!" I exclaim. "But I have to ask Crawford if I can ask her and I don't know if I can do it" he mutters. "Sure you can" I assure him. "Watch" I add smirking. "Crawf can you come in here?" I scream loudly before ducking under the counter. "Hey Zeke" Crawford says. "Um hey" Zeke replies unsurely. "Go talk you two" I say shooing them out of the kitchen. If looks could kill Zeke would have me 20 feet under. I look at the lyrics. 

"Can't can't can't go

Can't can't can't go

Can't can't can't go

Can't can't can't go

Can't live a day without you baby

Oh no...

If you're not here I don't know what I'm living for

You stared right in my eyes and said

Go slow

'Cause you've been hurt with that not once but twice before


I don't wanna fi-i-i-ight

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