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"Hey" Luke says hugging me. "I need a break" I whine hugging him. "With what?" he asks squeezing me. "This house" I groan. "Lets go out today then" Luke suggests kissing my head. "Okay lemme get changed" I respond smiling. "Okey" he says going in to his room. 

"C'mon I think the fair is calling our name" Luke says kissing my cheek. I smile and follow him out the door. "So wanna go on the Ferris Wheel?" Luke asks smiling. "No no no" I respond. "C'mon dont worry it'll be okay" Luke says dragging me towards the Feeris Wheel. "Luke" I whine when we get in to a seat. "It'll be okay I'm here" he says smiling. I squeeze his hand tightly and he chuckles. When we get to the top he looks at me and smiles. "I love you Paz" He mumbles against my lips. "I love you too" I respond leaning my head on his shoulder. 

"I'm going to get some cotton candy" Luke says kissing my cheek. I sit down at a bench to wait for him. "Hello you are Paz Rivera correct?" a man around 35ish asks. "Yes?" I respond confused. "I'm from RCA records and I'd like to meet with you and your family about signing you to my label" he says smiling. "Are you serious?" I ask."Yes here is my card contact me within in a week" he says leaving. "Who was that? Luke asks handing me a company. "Just someone from RCA records wanting to sign me" I respond nonchalantly. "Oh my god" Luke exclaims spinning me in a circle. "Thats fantastic" he adds kissing my forehead.

"Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom-" "Paz what do you need?" my mom asks interupting me. I hand her the card and skip away like its nothing. "PAZ! BRENT! Kitchen now!" my mom yells. My dad and I walk in to the kitchen. "What?" my dad asks. "Paz where did you get this RCA record label card from?" my mom asks laying in down on the counter. "The man whose name is on the card gave it to me. He wants to meet up about signing me" I explain smiling. "Thats amazing!" my dad exclaims hugging me. My mom calls him and sets up the meeting. Sunday at 8 am.

A/N the collage on the side was made by Gavi(@GaviGaviota) 

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