Game Day

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"Paz! Hey" Justin yells running up to me. "Hey" I say smiling. "You're coming to the game right?" Justin asks. "Of course. You guys need your good luck charm" I respond closing my locker. "Great. See you tonight" Justin says then gets called over by the coach. "Aye. Game day you excited?" Gavi asks walking out the school with me. "Yup" I respond checking the time. "Yeah. Is Ash and Luke going?" she asks pulling out her phone. "Um I dunno. Where's Allie?" I ask sitting on the nearest bench. "I'm calling her now" Gavi says walking away from me. "Hey Paz" Jacob says sitting next to me. "Hey Jacob. Thought you had to be at the game early?" I ask shifting so that I am facing him. "Apparently I am not allowed to play" Jacob says glumily. "What happened?" I ask concerned. "The other day coach heard me bad-mouthing Abigal and he didnt like the words I chose so he's making me sit out" Jacob explains. "Oh. So you wanna walk with me there?" I ask being friendly. "Yeah. I'll meet you at your house at four so we can get to the game early" Jacob says standing up. "Alright see ya later" I say giving him a high five. "Yo wheres yo mama?" I ask when Gavi comes over to us. "She cant make it. My mom and dad are at the hospital getting a freaking pregnacy test!" Gavi exclaims annoyed. "O-M-" But I stop myself from contiuning when Gavi gives me a death glare. "Lets just go" I say dragging her behind me.

"Paz Rose Rivera! Get down here!" my mom yells. "Ugh" I groan putitng on my beanie and then walking down the stairs. "Hey Paz!" Jacob exclaims when I get to the doorway. "Hii. You ready?" I ask him walking out the door. "Yeah lets go" he responds closing the door behind him. 

"We won!" Justin yells hugging me. "I knew you guys would win!" I exclaim hugging him back. "Only because you were here" Justin says wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Hey great game" Luke says man hugging Justin. "Thanks bro" he says. "So you guys coming to the after party?" Jacob asks coming up to us. "Um" I say. "Yeah we'll be there" Luke answers. "Great. See you there" Justin says walking away with Jacob. "Shouldnt you ask Chris?" I ask following Luke. "My dad wont care. Its Friday night" Luke assures me. "Whatever" I say rolling my eyes.

"Glad you can make it!" Jacob exclaims opening the door. "Yup" I respond going inside. "So wheres your little possee?" Abigal asks. "Go away" I groan. "Make me" she presses getting in my face. "Really? You want me to make you?" I ask getting in her face. "Yes I do" she yells. "Swing first" I say angrily. She swings and I grab her arm. "Really wanna do this?" I ask. Instead of answering she slaps me with her left hand. I jerk back and smack her across the face. She screams and pulls my hair. I retaliate instantly by punching her. "Enough!" Luke yells pulling us apart. "Get off me" I snap brushing out of his grasp. "Why'd you just start a fight with her?" Luke asks coming up behind me. "You think I started it? Unbelievable!" I gasp. "Thats what Abby said" Luke defends. "Abby?" I ask. "Look we've been dating for the past three months" Luke says. "What? How could you not tell me Luke? You're my best friend you are supposed to be honest with me" I yell walking away from him. "Paz wait" Luke says following me. "Just go" I blurt out. "What?" he asks. "Just go. Leave. Dejar" I snap. "Whatever. I dont need you anyway" Luke snaps angirly. 

"Paz whats wrong" Ashlynn says knocking on my bedroom door. "Just go" I respond putting a pillow over my face. "What happened?" she asks trying to pick the lock. I open the door then flop myself back on to my bed. "Whats wrong?" she asks again. "Lukes dating abigal. I got in a fight with abigal. Luke said he doesnt need me. Shall I go on?" I ask wiping away tears. "I shouldve went with you. I'm sorry" Ash says rubbing my back. "Its not your fault" I mumble in to my pillow. "Luke didnt mean it. He was angry thats all" Ash assures me. "Doubt it" I grumble not removing my head from the pillow. "Love you" Ash says leaving my room. "Love you" I mutter not moving. 

"Paz" Luke says causing me to wake up. "Go away" I say closing my eyes. "Im sorry" he says. "Go away" I repeat annoyed. "Paz please" Luke pleads. "Talk to me when its not midnight" I respond rolling over in my bed. 

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