Birthday Party

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"Paz why are you so upset?" Justin asks concerned as I pull on a pair of converse. "Uh Jacob and I broke up" I respond putting my hair in a messy bun. "What? After six months?" he gasps. "Yeah if you wanna figure out why just go ask him yourself" I respond walking out the hotel room. "Where are you going?" Ashlynn asks following me. "Im going to seven eleven" I respond. "Can I come with?" she asks. "You're already following me" I say annoyed. "Hold up whats wrong?" she says stopping me. "Jacob and I broke up" I snap. "He told you?" she mumbles. "Told me? You knew?" I ask loudly. "Look he accidently butt dialed me and I wanted to tell you but he said he would tell you. Paz I didnt want to be the one to ruin your relationship. I did this for you" Ashlynn argues. "Thank you" I mumble hugging her tightly. "Lets go get slurpees for everyone" Ashlynn suggests. "Sure" I say following her in to 7Eleven.

"Guess who got you guys slurpees" we announce opening the door. "Omg!" Paige and Gavi shriek. "Thanks" everyone else says taking their slurpees. "So your birthday party is at eight" Paige announces. "I'm not in the party mood" I say laying on the bed on my stomach. "Dont let Jacob ruin your party" Ashlynn says sitting on me. "What happened with Jacob?" everyone except Jason and Ashlynn asks. "We broke up. Turns out he has a kid. But no big deal so what is the theme of the party?" I say quickly. "Wear whatever you want" Gavi answers. "So I can go in pajamas?" I ask sarcastically. "Haha" she says rolling her eyes. "Cant we just go out to eat to celebrate? I would like that a lot more" I suggest. "Sure anything for the birthday girl" Justin says ruffling my hair. "Well guys go to your room so us girls can change" Ashlynn says shooing the boys out of the room. "I hope you know Justin is so in to you" Paige says plopping on to the bed. "What?" I ask. "Dont deny it. You like him too!" Paige exclaims. "Guys I just got out of a six month relationship and yes I like him, as a friend" I respond brushing my hair out. "You two would make a cute couple" Gavi wonders aloud. "Not helping" I respond. "Sorry" she mumbles getting changed. As I slip on my shoes my phone vibrates. (OUTFIT ON SIDDEEE)

Mom and Dad: happy birthday

Me: thanks guys we're going out love you

Mom and dad: love you too!

I lovk my phone and put it inside my bag. "Ready?" Ashlynn asks. "Yup" we respond walking out the hotel room. "Wow you girls look..." the guys say. "Hot" Zeke finishes. I see Ashlynn instantly blush and I nudge her. "Shall we go?" Luke asks. "we shall" I exclaim walking towards the elevator. 

"That place was amazing" Luke moans putting his arm around my shoulders. "Yeah it was" I agree laughing. "I'm in the mood for some dancing. You up for it?" Luke asks. "I am. Guys?" I respond. "Yes lets go!" Zeke exclaims pulling Ashlynn to the all ages club.

Jacob's POV

Anna's mom was watching Rose while we caught up at the all ages club. "I really missed you babe" she says sitting in my lap. "I really missed you" I respond rubbing her back. "Sup bro" Justin says coming up to us. "Justin man good to see you" I say giving him a high five. "Anna" Justin says. "Hey Justin" she responds facing him. "What are you doing here?" I ask not trying to be rude. "Oh we just got done eating and now we're just hanging out here for Paz's birthday" he says. "Oh nice. All of you guys?" I ask. "Yeah" he responds. "Well imma go chill with them. Maybe we can hang tomorrow?" he suggests. "Aight cool see yah bro" I respond. "Babe I really wanna kiss you" Anna says running her hands through my hair. "Do it" I mumble. She kisses me and without any hesitation I kiss her back. "God I have never felt the way I do kissing you with anyone else" she mutters sliding off my lap on to the empty spot next to me. "Me either" I respond rubbing her leg. "Do you think Frank would let me have just one joint" she mutters softly. "Babe you dont need one. I'm not doing it anymore and trust me its hard" I respond quietly. "Okay" she pouts. "Wanna get some alchol?" I whisper in her ear. "Yeah" she responds smirking. "Are you over the age of 21?" the bartender asks.  I hand him my fake ID and he hands me two drinks.  I sit next to Anna and give her her drink. "Thanks babe" she mumbles sipping her drink. "I love you" she mumbles scooting close to me. "I love you too" I respond kissing her. I look up and see Paz dancing with Justin. "Babe?" Anna mutters. "Yeah?" I respond. "I wanna dance" she says. "Alright lets go baby" I say taking her hand in mine. 

Paz's POV

"I like you" Justin mumbles. "Sorry?" I say unsure. "I like you Paz but I know you're hurt by Jacob and I dont wanna press you in to a relationship" he says again. "I-I dont know what to say" I respond feeling really bad. "Its okay. Dont say anything. Forget this even happened" he says. "What about Alexandra?" I ask. "Thats why I'm saying forget it. Okay?" he snaps. "Whatever" I respond rolling my eyes. "Damian whats up?" I ask sitting next to him. "Sitting here. Watching everyone have a good time" he mutters. "Wanna dance?" I ask. "Sure" he says smiling. He takes my hand and follows me on to the dance floor. "You look really hot" Damian mumbles in my ear. "You dont look to bad yourself" I respond back. "Really?" he smirks. My god. "Yeah" I say. "To be honest you are killing me in that dress" he whispers in my ear. "Oh really?" I say returning a smirk. "Just a warning to you, I'm a bad boy honey" he smirks. "Maybe I like bad boys" I test. "Well thats good" he responds. "Cuz I like girls like you" he adds softly. "Whats that supposed to mean?" I ask biting my lip. "It means I like girls who are different from other girls" he says. "Is that so?" I tease. "So very so" he says leaning closer. Just as our lips are about to touch Zeke yells my name. "Paz I need to talk to you" he says urgently. "What?" I ask annoyed. "Dont fall for Damian" he pleads. "why?" I ask. "He plays with a girls mind, dates them and dumps them. I'm looking out for you" he explains. "Can I at least kiss him?" I ask. "Knock yourself out" he laughs. "thanks for the heads up" I say walking back towards Damian. "where were we?" he asks leaning in again. "I dont know. Remind me?" I respond just as his lips crash in to mine. 

"Did you enjoy your party?" Ashlynn asks. "Yes" I respond laying on my bed. "You and Damian were hitting it off" Gavi says. "Nah.  He's a really great kisser though" I say going under the covers. "Why not date him?" Paige asks. "Zeke said he's bad news so mines well stay clear" I respond. "Good night" I add closing my eyes. 

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