Imagine Bucky proposing to you in Central Park

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Imagine Bucky proposing to you in Central Park

"Come on Y/N", Bucky said to you, holding out the pair of ice creams. You and Bucky had been together now for about three months, and every day was bliss. Not only was he always giving you little treats but he would always call you his angel, which you couldn't help but smile at. Today, Bucky thought it might be a good idea to go the Central Park as there was a small boat race happening on the lake, which he said might be kind of fun to watch. "Thanks!", you said as you bounded up to him, giving him a quick peck on the cheek as you took your icecream. He smiled at you, taking your hand I'm his. "Come on then, my angel. Let's find us a spot to sit". Bucky chose a spot right next to the lake, where you both sat on the side, letting your toes cool in the water as you watched the small boats passing by. You must have fallen asleep, lying your head down on Bucky's chest as you were woken up by a small boat hitting against your feet. You woke up a little confused, but smiled as you saw Bucky looking at you with a grin on his face. "Even angels need their beauty sleep huh?", he laughed, stroking your cheek. "Yes, especially us angels that are so in love with you", you smile back, kissing his cheek as you sat up. You reached down and picked up the small boat that had gotten stuck on your feet, and look across the surface of the lake, trying to spot the driver. You have to double take when you spot Steve, Bucky's old friend, waving across at you, holding a remote control in his hand, and a sign in the other. You squint your eyes to try and read what it says. "Look inside". So you look down into the back of the boat to find a small box. Carefully, you take it out, before placing the boat back in the water, giving a small wave back over to Steve who smiles, and drives the boat away. Bucky snuggles up closer to you, putting his arm around you. "Open it my angel", he whispered in your ear, smiling at you. Curious, you opened the small box and gasped. Inside was a ring, with the words "Y/N, my love, my angel, my wife". You nearly screamed in shock, and immediately threw your arms around Bucky, kissing him. "So I take that as I yes then?", he chuckled as he held you close, kissing you gently. "Oh yes, I'd never say no", you say to him, holding him close. "Good", he says, smiling looking back out across the lake at Steve, "because you have no idea how long it took me to teach him how to use that boat".

Imagines : STEVE & BUCKYWhere stories live. Discover now