Imagine Steve being jealous

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Imagine Steve being jealous

"Well, il catch you later chick", he said as he strolled off to his gang of friends that were waiting up ahead. He waved back to you before continuing walking up the street, laughing and joking with his friends. You thought you'd had a heart attack when he just walked up to you in the street and told you that you looked pretty. You'd seen him around the town, usually with the supermodel girls on his arms, but today he didn't have any of them. Your heart raced when he came up to you, took your hand and kissed it, smiling at you with his gorgeous brown eyes and slicked back dark hair. He'd asked you if you wanted to come back round his place tonight, and you immediately said yes. He gave you his address and winked at you, before walking off. "You look like someone just gave you a box full of puppies", a familiar voice joked behind you. You turned to see Steve, your best friend, walking up to you, holding two coffees. "I thought you were working?", you ask surprised to see him. "Nope, afternoon off. Hey I was wondering, if tonight you wanted to go catch that new movie you wanted to go see", he said smiling as you took your coffee. "Oh, thanks for the offer but I can't. I've got a date", you say, almost jumping over the moon. "Really? Oh", said Steve, a little surprised. "Yeah with Ben, you know the one who I pointed out to you the other day. He came over just then and asked me to go round his later. I can't wait", you practically scream, giddy with excitement. "But, you promised, and I hardly get to see you anymore now, what with work and everything. I miss spending time with you", Steve said down heartened. "I'm sorry Steve, but I'm with Ben tonight", you say drinking your coffee as you start to walk away. "Fine", he says, sitting down on the bench, "But don't say I didn't warn you". You stop in your tracks and turn to look at him. "What?". "You know what guys like him are like Y/N. I've seen it all before, I just don't want you to get hurt", he says looking at the floor. "I'm sorry, coming from the man who hasn't had a relationship for almost 70 years. Since when did you become the love expert", you say back to him annoyed that he's going down this road again. "Look, a guy like him doesn't know how to treat a girl right, he'll just treat you like a tool", he said seriously looking up at you. "Take that back! You're the one who's always saying I should meet someone, why won't you just let me love someone!", you shout at him getting frustrated. "Because I love you!", he shouted standing up, turning to you. You gasp in shock, and Steve's eyes widen in shock as he realises what he's said. "You love me?", you say a little taken aback. "Yes Y/N, I've just been to shy to ask. I just didn't want you to say no", he said looking back down at his feet. "Oh Steve, how could I ever say no to you", you say gently to him, lifting up his chin so you could look into his beautiful blue eyes. He smiled at you, then gently leaned into you, wrapping his arms around you, planting a tender kiss on your lips. "Now, are you still on for that movie?", he asked, grinning from ear to ear.

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