Imagine you and Bucky working for HYDRA

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Imagine you and Bucky working for HYDRA

Your whole body ached as you slipped in and out of consciousness. Your mission had been simple, break into SHIELD and steal top secret information as you worked for HYDRA. However, it hadn't gone to plan. When you'd broken into Furys office to start hacking the computer, the room had gone into lockdown, leaving you trapped inside as it had filled with sleeping gas. You'd woken up in a dark room, your arms tightly tied behind you on the chair you'd been secured to, with a light hanging above you. Several SHIELD agents entered the room and had began to question you, but of course you didn't say anything. They laughed at you, and called you pathetic, and that's when one of them had pulled out a needle, and injected it into your arm. Your whole body felt like it was burning from the inside, and you'd screamed in pain. You screamed and pleased them to stop, but they just laughed at you, and the pain consumed you an you'd passed out. "Look, she's waking up", you heard one of them say as you squinted your eyes open. "Bet you liked that little toy didn't you", one of them chuckled coming up to you. "I still won't tell you anything", you say weakly, getting your breath back. "Oh, we know. Now we get our hands dirty", he said slyly. You lift your head up to look at him, to see him swipe his hand sharply across your face, slapping you. You let out a little shout of surprise as your cheek stings. "Now tell us, who do you work for?", the man asked seriously as the other agents in the room chuckled. You smile at him, then spit in his face. He wipes it off, before then punching you in the face. Immediately your nose starts bleeding, and you taste blood, after letting out a cry of pain. "Now tell us, who you're working for?", he shouted at you. "No", you manage to say, before he punches you again with enough force to send you on the chair down to the floor. You cry out in pain as tears sting your eyes as your head throbs in pain. You get picked up off the floor, and forced back into the chair, the mans hand now tightly gripped around your throat. He squeezes and you feel the breath being choked out of your body. "Now tell us, who do you work for?", he demanded, tightening his grip. You choked, unable to breathe as your head began to cloud over. "No, never", you manage to choke. He smiles at you, and pulls a knife out from his pocket which he places on your cheek, pushing it in so it started to cut you. "Who do you work for?", he asks menacingly, pressing the blade deeper into your cheek, causing you to scream. The door to where you were being held was kicked open, flying off it's hinges, killing one of the agents instantly. You could just make out a figure tackle the other agent, before pulling out a gun, and pointing it at the mans head who was still threatening you. The man dropped down dead, and you sat there gasping in shock, as you looked up at this new figure, relief filling you. "Bucky?", you croak, as he swiftly comes and unties you. You collapse into his arms as he hugs you. "What kept you?", you whisper into his ear as he holds you close. "They had you under secure lockdown. Made it a bit tricky", he said gently kissing your forehead. "I'm not that dangerous", you say grinning. "To me you are. I can't get enough of you", he says bending down and kissing you tenderly on the lips. "Maybe I should let you come get me out more often if this is what I get", you say dreamily, as you kiss him back, stroking his cheek. "You know I would never let you even end up here Y/N. I would kill any other man that dared to lay a hand on you. You're mine, remember", he said softly, but seriously, his hand gently following your cheek where you'd been cut. "Well, I got the information anyway", you say, reaching into your mouth and pull out a mini microchip from underneath your tounge. "Mm, thought that kiss tasted slightly metallic", Bucky joked, taking the chip off you and putting it in his pocket. You smiled, pulling away from him as you dusted yourself down, checking that none of your other limbs had suffered any damage. Bucky's phone went off, and he pulled it out, looking puzzled at the text. You watched his face drop, his eyes turn cold as he put the phone away, looking down at the floor. "Was that command?", you ask curious. He nods, but doesn't look up at you, just cocks his gun. "New orders from the boss. My next target", he said quietly. "Is it Fury?". "No". He looks up at you, and your heart drops. "Bucky, please. Don't do this", you say pleadingly, panic rising in your voice. "I'm sorry Y/N. I have to follow orders", he said sadly, a tear forming in his eye as he lifted the gun up and pointed at you. "Bucky, please", you say in a deadly whisper, holding out your hand to him. He didn't say anything, only looked at you coldly, a flicker of fear and sadness crossing his eyes as his grip on the gun tightened. "I love you Bucky", you whisper as a tear trickles down your cheek, your body shaking. "I love you too Y/N", he whispered, before he pulled the trigger. Time slowed as you heard the gun fire, but didn't feel it. You knew it had hit you as your body flew backwards with the force of it. You fell down onto the floor, looking down at your chest where you saw the hole the bullet had made. You looked back up at Bucky, who lowered his gun, a tear rolling down his cheek. You couldn't hear anything, the sound of your heartbeat, your rattled breath struggling to escape your lungs, or Bucky mouthing something to you. Your head fell to the side, as you watched him turn and leave the room, as you saw the pool of blood around you grow, and struggle to draw breath, as everything faded to darkness.

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