Imagine finding Steve injured

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Imagine finding Steve injured

You hated driving at night, mostly because it was so dark. You'd just finished your shift at work for the weekend and were on your way home when you spotted something large at the side of the road. You slowed down as you neared it, just in case it was an animal and would accidentally run out into the road. You gasped when you saw it was a man, his clothing torn and covered in blood, lying at the side of the road. You jumped out of the car and rushed to them, checking their pulse. The man was still alive and breathing, and you breathed a sigh of relief. "Hello, are you okay? Can you hear me?", you ask as you try to wake him. He stirs and mutters something under his breath, but then slips unconscious again. You manage to lift him up and get him into he back of your car and drive to your house which wasn't too far away, you didn't want to leave him out in the middle of nowhere. After much effort you managed to get him down onto your sofa, and rushed to get a first aid kit. You pulled off his ripped shirt to get a better look at his wounds, and raised an eyebrow at his muscles, he was hot. You started to clean his wounds, when his eyes shot open and he grabbed your hand, causing you to scream a bit in alarm. "I'm sorry", he immediately said, letting go of you, looking sheepish. "It's alright. Just glad to see your awake", you say gently as you finish bandaging up his wound. "Thank you mam", he said, sitting up and flexing his arm, testing it. "You should probably rest, it looks like you've lost a lot of blood, and don't call me mam, it's Y/N", you say gently, putting your hand on his shoulder. "Yes, you're right. You don't mind if I rest here, do you?", he asked, his blue eyes and smile dazzling you. "Of course not, I'll get you a blanket", you say and rush out of the room to grab one. You came back and he was standing shirtless waiting for you. "Thank you Y/N", he said smiling, taking the blanket off you. You couldn't help but feel yourself blush, he was fit. "It's Steve, by the way. And thank you for finding me", he said, smiling at you. He then leaned down, and kissed you lightly on the cheek. You stared into his lovely blue eyes, your heart racing and fluttering in your chest before it all came to much, and you fainted, falling into Steve's arms.

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