Imagine Bucky surprising you with marriage

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Imagine Bucky surprising you with marriage

"How many times are you going to give me those puppy eyes", Bucky chuckled to you as you stood waiting for him at the side of the dance floor. You'd been with Bucky for several months now, and every day was bliss. Tonight, of course, Bucky had taken you to your favourite place, the dance hall. Lively swing music played from the band and soldiers and girls danced the night away together. Tonight however, Bucky had told you to specifically put on the lovely red polkadot dress he first saw you in when you first met. You excitedly waited for him, declining any of the other soldiers who offered to dance with you, your only partner would always be Bucky. "Can we dance now please?", you ask him, squealing in delight as your favourite song began playing. "Of course, Y/N, but you've got to keep up", he laughed as he pulled you with him onto the centre of the dance floor. You jumped and danced, moving and spinning so fast you thought you'd collapse. Eventually the song finished, and everyone applauded you. The band then began playing a lovely slow song, which gave you an opportunity to get your breath back. Bucky put his arms around you and you rested your head on his chest, just swaying together with the music. "Y/N, did I forget to say you look like an angel tonight", he says softly as he kisses your forehead. You notice no one else has come back on the dance floor, they are all watching you. "Bucky, what's going on?", you ask him as he pulls away from you, taking your hand. "I just want you to know Y/N, that I'm always here for you, no matter what happens. So I wanted to do something that meant a lot more than that". That's when you gasp, as he holds your hand and drops down onto one knee. "Y/N, my dancing queen, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?". Everyone was silent in anticipation, even the band had stopped playing and were watching. "Yes, of course I wi", you squeal, and the whole place erupts into noise. You both kiss each other as people start throwing confetti over you both and the band begins playing again, and you both dance the night away.

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