Imagine Steve finding out you harm yourself

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Imagine Steve finding out you harm yourself

"Y/N", Steve shouted from behind you, as you walked down the corridor to your apartment. You'd just finished another long shift working at SHIELD along with Steve, and he had offered to walk you home. "You forgot this", he said as he came up to you, holding out your phone. "Oh, right. Thanks", you say a little dazed; you couldn't really think straight, as you were too busy replaying the events of today over in your head. "Is everything alright?", he asks you, putting a hand on your shoulder as you realise you've been staring at him. "Oh, what? Yeah, fine. Everything's fine", you say rushed, looking back down at your feet. "Alright, it's just you seem a little distracted recently, and I was just wondering if anything was wrong, that was all", Steve said, looking at you concerned. "Of course. I'm fine. Never better", you say, turning around and fumbling with your keys in the door, accidentally dropping them. "Here, let me", Steve says, reaching down to grab them as you bent down to quickly pick them up. The sleeve of your shirt lowered revealing your arm, just for a split second, but it was enough for Steve to see the marks. "Y/N, are you alright?", he asks seriously, trying to put an arm around you. "I'm fine Steve. Just fine!", you say harshly, tears welling in your eyes as you open the door, slamming it shut behind you. You weren't fine. You'd been given a special assignment by Fury and had to go and assassinate a potential threat. However, it left you having repeated nightmares of it all, and you kept picturing it happening over and over again, causing you to go mad. You rushed over to the kitchen sink and picked up the small knife you'd left on the side. You lifted up your sleeve, and placed the blade next to one of the old scars. As you closed your eyes, you saw it happening again, and pushed the blade down further, drawing blood. You were suddenly snapped out of it by Steve opening the door. You quickly threw the knife into the sink and pulled down your sleeve, biting back the tears of pain. "Y/N, please I know something wrong..", but he tailed off, looking at your arm. You glanced down at it; blood was seeping through the material. You immediately glanced back at Steve, afraid, backing up against the wall. "Y/N, please stop", he said quietly, his eyes full of fear. "No! You don't understand", you scream at him as you run to the bathroom, Steve chasing you. You try to slam the door shut, but Steve's hand blocks you, forcing the door open. You try to fight him away from you but he just grabs both of your wrists and holds them. You eventually fall into his chest and cry, letting out everything. You tell him everything that happened, about you having to kill someone, about the nightmares. Once you've finished, Steve let's go of you and pulls you tight into a hug, as you bury your face into his chest. "Y/N, I'm so sorry", he whispers to you, rubbing your back reassuringly. "But it's ok, I'm here for you now", he says gently, kissing your forehead, as he held you close, not ever wanting to let you go.

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