Imagine cheating on Loki with Bucky (part 2)

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Imagine cheating on Loki with Bucky (part 2)

[because I love my followers so much, and with the endless notifications from instagram/wattpad, find below part 2 of the imagine. Enjoy]

Bucky took you back home to his place, his arm around you escorting you, protecting you. He'd lead you through his flat and sat you down on the bed, sitting next to you. "Y/N, what is it? You've not spoken a word for hours now? What's wrong my love?", Bucky asked, tucking your hair behind your ear as you stared blankly ahead, dried tears on your cheeks. Bucky gently stroked your cheek, his metal hand causing you to flinch with the cold. "Y/N", he whispered gently, as he leant in to kiss you. "Leave me", you mutter, turning your head away from him. You feel his body tense beside you, but he gets up and leaves the room, closing the door behind him, before seconds later you hear the front door slam shut too, leaving you in the flat alone. Then the side of the building exploded, sending half the ceiling down on top of you, knocking you clean out cold. Alarms and the smell of smoke and people screaming was what you woke too, you head throbbing in agony. You tried to move but couldn't, screaming out in pain as it coursed through you. You looked down and see a solid metal beam crushing your chest, essentially burying you in the rubble of the wrecked building. "Somebody help me!", you scream, trying to move the beam, but only succeeding in making it collapse onto you more. You feel a small bit of rubble fall onto you from above, and freeze looking up, your eyes locked on the broken glass pieces, hanging dangerously loose above you, their framework broken. You gulp, as your breathing quickens, as you frantically try to move the steel beam again, but the move you moved the beam, the more it crushed you, and to your horror, also dislodged the glass move above you. You began to panic now, and looked around frantically for something, anything to help. Another nearby explosion caused you to look out into the street through the massive hole in the building, and you gasped at the sight. Loki was walking down the street, sceptre in hand, pointing it at the building, firing blasts of energy at them, destroying them in a mad rage. "Loki!", you scream, mixed in pain and terror. He immediately stops, looking around trying to see where the sound came from, but his face drops when he sees you. "Y/N", he mutters, standing in shock seeing you. "Loki please, help me!", you plead at him desperately. "No... I never meant for you to get hurt. No, no, no", he cried, throwing his sceptre down and rushing to you. He only got a few meters closer to you, but a figure ran out at him from one of the nearby buildings and tackled him to the floor, swinging their fists at the wildly. Loki snarled, throwing his attacked down on the ground, but then flying back several feet onto the floor when their fist collided with his chest amour, making a loud metallic clang. "Bucky!", you scream as he picks himself up off the floor, Loki feet away groaning in pain. Bucky sees you and immediately rushes to you, trying to help you. "Oh god, please, help me!", you cry as the pain increases. Bucky tries to lift the beam and succeeds slightly, but sends one of the shards of sharp glass falling down, landing next to you. "Bucky, stop!", you scream, fearing that anything more he did you kill you. He looks at you, fear in his eyes. "Y/N, I'm not loosing you again", Bucky says looking you right in the eyes, his face set in stone, determined. "There must be another way", he cried, trying to keep his emotions in tack. "There is one thing to do", Loki croaked, getting up off the floor wincing, climbing over the rubble straight to you. "Loki, no!", you cry as he manoeuvres himself so he is nearly on top of you, the beam stuck between you. "Y/N. This is my choice. I did this, I ended up hurting you in my jealous rage. I'm sorry, I never meant for this to happen. You deserve someone better than me", Loki said weakly as tears rolled down your cheeks, as he glanced over at Bucky then back to you. "Please, forgive me", he whispered, cupping your cheek. "I do. I love you", you whisper back, already shaking as the tears fell down your cheeks. "I know. I love you too Y/N, always. You are worth dying for", Loki said giving the nod to Bucky who understood. In one swift movement, Bucky grabbed the beam, and with all his strength, lifted it so it was clean off you. The glass above you dislodged, and came crashing down, but Loki threw his arms around you, covering you, his forehead against yours, and he screamed with you. You opened your eyes fearfully to see Loki's sad ones, his eyes without their usual sparkle, his face pale, his breathing ragged. You look at him, and see all the glass shards had gone into his back and straight through him, their sharp tips sticking out of his chest. "Y/N I love you", he whispered, his voice weak as his hand cupped your cheek, before his eyelids closed and his breath stopped, his body collapsing limp beside you. If you weren't crying fully, now you were, as you took Loki's cold dead hand in yours and squeezed it tight, your hand stroking his cheek. Bucky lifted the beam off you all the way, and chucked it aside, before immediately rushing to your side. "Y/N, are you alright?", he asked, immediately checking you to see if you had any major injuries. You shook your head, and he picked you up in his arms. "I though id lost you Y/N. I thought he was going to kill you", Bucky said holding you, carrying you out of the wrecked building through the hole in the wall. "I don't know what I could have done without you Y/N, I love you", Bucky said as he held you closer in his arms, burying his head into your neck, kissing you gently. "I love you too Bucky. Thank you", you manage to say, as you kiss his forehead back. He walks away, carrying you to a nearby ambulance. You glance back towards the building, and catch sight of Loki's dead body lying there, the pool of blood around him growing bigger. "Thank you Loki. I loved you most", you whisper, the tear falling down your cheek as you watched the building disappear from view, your heart shattered and torn forever.

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