Imagine Bucky taking you on vacation

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Imagine Bucky taking you on vacation

"Ireland?", you said stepping of the boat following Bucky down the ramp. "Yeah, of course. Why not? Besides, I thought you said you wanted a leprechaun?", he chuckled as you both walked hand in hand towards the waiting taxis. "I was joking", you laugh at his attempt to do the local accent. "Well, let's go find us one", he laughed as he pulled you into the back seat of the taxi, you collapsing into his lap. You laughed all the way into the town centre were the driver dropped you off. Bucky put his arm around your shoulder, walking together up the small streets, waving merrily at locals. "Look, there's one!", Bucky shouted, and he was off, running off and dashing down an alleyway. "Bucky wait!", you shouted after him, tripping slightly over the cobbles. You chased Bucky as he weaved through the streets, laughing, the locals looking on a little puzzled. Eventually you managed to catch up with him as he sat on a bench outside a small pub, arms crossed, a look of glee on his face. "You'd never win in a race", he chuckled as you collapsed down next to him, panting for breath. "Well that's because I usually get a bit of warning beforehand", you croaked between breaths as Bucky patted your back encouragingly. "Well, I got you one", he piped, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small figure of a leprechaun. "I chased you for that?", you manage, feeling a little down heartened. "Oh no, I got you this too", he chuckled, and whistled. Out of the pub came a small man, dressed in a green outfit smiling, carrying two drinks. "For you ma'am", he chirped in his accent, causing you to giggle. "Thanks", you say, taking the drink off him and watching him waddle away. "To the both of us", Bucky smiled, holding up his drink. You smiled back, just remember how good a boyfriend he actually was.

Imagines : STEVE & BUCKYWhere stories live. Discover now