Imagine Steve and Bucky fighting over you

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Imagine Steve and Bucky fighting over you

You ran from the room to the elevator to try and get away from both of them. You hated it when they started fighting against each other, but it hurt you even more today because they were fighting over you. You'd been close friends with both Bucky and Steve for ages, and you always made sure that you split your time between them both. However, earlier in the morning when you'd been out with Bucky around the streets of New York, he'd confessed that he liked you a lot more than just being your friend. Flustered, you'd raced back to Stark Tower to be confronted by Steve, who also admitted the same feeling to you. You'd sat there with your head in your hands whilst they stood there, arguing over you. "What makes you think that Y/N likes you Steve?", Bucky had hissed at Steve when he'd confronted him about it. "Don't talk about her that way like you own her!", Steve had shouted back at him, defending you. "Please, stop this! I like you both!", you'd interjected but they didn't hear you as they continued their squabbling. "Well I gotta say Steve, not many people can pull off the tight suit look, perhaps that's why Coulson liked you so much!", he smirked at Steve, hitting him hard on the shoulder. "Back off! How do I know that you won't hurt her when you lose control and freak out?", Steve shouted back, standing up taller, raising his fists. "Oh, want to settle this old fashioned style? Well, suits you perfectly you old relic. Perhaps you should go back to the museum where you belong", Bucky shouted at Steve, swinging at him, hitting him in the face. They started fighting, and you ran from the room in tears. Now you sat in the lift, leaning against the cold metal wall, crying. There was a gentle tapping on the door, and you looked up puzzled. "Y/N, can you open the lift please?", Steve's voiced asked from the other side of the door. "No. Leave me alone", you shout back at him, burning your head in your hands again. "Please Y/N. We're sorry", Bucky's voice said also from outside. "You'll just start fighting again..", you mutter sighing. "We promise we won't. We just want to talk", Steve says, tapping the door again. You sigh, and reach up and touch the lift button, and the elevator doors open in front of you. There stood Steve and Bucky, both with blood stains on their uniforms, looking down at you. "You've been crying?", Bucky says upset as he sits down beside you, placing an arm around you, Steve doing the same thing on the opposite side. "Yes", you mutter weakly, looking down at your feet. "Why, Y/N?", Steve asked gently, looking at you. "Because of you two. It's my fault", you whisper as you feel more tears start to form. "What? No it isn't your fault Y/N", Bucky says gently, rubbing your shoulder. "Yes it is. I'm breaking you two apart, and I don't want to do that", you say to them both, looking at them, biting back the tears. "No your not", Steve says gently. "But I am. You two used to be such good friends. I mean yes, there was that time when you both tried to kill each other because you both worked for different organisations ...", you said, causing both of them to chuckle. "Look, Y/N. We both care about you, and we are sorry for fighting. And we promise it will never happen again. We'll never argue over or fight over you again. Deal?", Bucky said, holding out his hand for you to shake, Steve doing the same. "Ok", you say after a few moments of thinking, taking their hands and shaking them, dealing the deal. "Okay, right, well let's get out of here. Shall we rent a movie?", Steve suggested, standing up, helping you to your feet. "Okay, sounds good", Bucky said, as all three of your walked out of the lift. "Can I choose the film?", you asked them, as they both glanced at each other. "Erm, yeah sure", they both said in unison, causing you to giggle. "Yay. I know exactly which one to pick that you will both love", you said grinning, skipping off down the corridoor. "And what's that? It's not a horror movie is it?" Bucky asked a little nervously, with Steve giving you an equally worried glance. "Nope", you shout back smirking, as they continued to question you puzzled all afternoon, as you teased them, quite forgetting about the whole argument before ever happening at all.

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