Imagine Steve thinking you're cheating on him

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Imagine Steve thinking you're cheating on him

You stuck in as quietly as you could, closing the front door behind you, slipping off your shoes. You steadied yourself against the wall as you felt the room spin a little. You'd just gotten back from a friends birthday party, and of course you'd drank too much again. You'd had the best time, but knew you'd stayed too late, so had gotten a taxi back home. You crept through to the front room when the lamp got turned on, and you froze. Steve was sat there, his arms folded, looking at you. "I thought you said you'd be back before midnight", he said, looking at you sternly. "So what if I stayed out later, I'm home now aren't I", you moan, rubbing your eyes. "It's nearly 5am Y/N, I was worried sick", he said seriously, getting up and coming over to you. "Look I'm tired I'm going to bed. We can talk in the morning", you say as you lean up against the wall as the room starts to spin. "Have you been drinking?", he asked seriously as he watched you trying to stay upright. "So what if I have? At least I had fun", you giggle as you remember what fun the party had been. "I know, I saw", he said seriously, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone. On the screen was a picture of you kissing the birthday boy at the party, straight on the lips. "I've got to thank you for showing me how to use Facebook. I've been sat up most of the night looking through all these pictures", he said, throwing the phone against the wall in a mad rage. "Steve, it wasn't anything-". "Wasn't it?! You were kissing him, and it's not just in one picture because there are several of them, all at that party!", he shouted at you, causing you to flinch. "Steve, please", you try to say. You'd never seen him like this before. "No! I'm sick and tired of this Y/N. You're always going out to see him, all the time. You never want to be with me anymore!", he shouted at you, his voice shaking, trying to keep back the tears. "Steve, stop, please", you whisper frightened. He grabbed you by the shoulders and shoved you up against the wall behind you, causing you to cry in alarm. "Do you love him?", he asked, his voice hard, his face contorted in a look of pure disgust. "What, no!", you cry shaking your head looking pleadingly into his eyes, tears falling down your cheeks. "You're lying! Don't lie to me Y/N, I love you! Tell me, do you love him?", he shouted forcefully shoving you against the wall again. "Steve stop!", you shout terrified. "Tell me!", he screams at you. "No!", you shout at him. His nostrils flare and he quickly slaps you across the face in his blind rage. He stands there breathing heavily looking at you whilst you just stand there in shock, holding your cheek as tears fall down your face. "Oh god. What have I done?", he mutters as his face drops, and the realisation hits him of what he's just done. "Y/N, I'm sorry", he says, trying to touch you but you shove his hand away and push past him, sitting down on the sofa in shock. You both wait there in an awkward silence, Steve stood there looking at you as he started to cry, and you sat massaging your cheek where he'd hit you. "Steve, I would never cheat on you", you whisper to him as your voice cracks. "Do you honestly think I would do that? Steve, I love you. I was drunk okay and just having a good time. I would never ever dream of cheating on you", you cry, bursting into tears and burying your head in your hands. Steve comes over to you and sits down next to you and puts his arm around you, and you both just sit there, crying into each other. "I'm so sorry Y/N. I just jumped to the wrong conclusion, I'm so sorry", Steve says after several minutes, stroking your head as you had it buried into his chest. "No, I'm sorry, for acting like an idiot. I never should have done it. I'm so sorry Steve, I love you", you say looking into his puffy eyes as you run your hand through his hair. "It's ok. I still love you so much Y/N, and nothing will change that", he said gently as he ran his hand along your cheek. "I forgot to say it before, but you looked lovely", he whispered as he kissed your forehead, holding you close in his arms, just sitting there until the sun came up.

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