Imagine Steve trying to prevent you from meeting Tony

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Imagine Steve trying to prevent you from meeting Tony

"Oh come on, please?", you ask Steve again for the hundredth time. "And for the millionth time, no. I am not introducing you to Tony", Steve says again from behind the punch bag, poking his head round, rolling his eyes. You'd been pestering him all week ever since he had let you tag along with him. Now, you wanted to meet Tony Stark, because, heck he was Iron Man, why wouldn't you. Then an idea sparked in your head. "If you don't let me meet Tony, I will give Coulson your mobile number", you say slyly to him, giving him a cheeky grin. He immediately stopped punching the bag and walked up to you. "You wouldn't dare?", he said shocked. "Oh but I would", you say again, holding up a slip of paper with his number already written on it. He stands there looking at you, undecided, before finally throwing his hands up in defeat. "Okay fine, you win. Il take you to see Tony". "Oh you will? Oh thank you", you say jumping up, giving him the biggest hug imaginable. Minutes later, Steve knocked on Tonys door, holding your hand. The door immediaty swung open and you gasped, there was Iron Man. "I must be dreaming because Capsical has his hands on one hot chick!", he says, taking my hand and pulling me into the room. "Tony, she not-", Steve begins to say before the door slams shut in his face. "Hi, I'm Tony Stark, but that doesn't matter right now. All I want to know is who are you?", he said pulling me into his enormous room and plonking me down on the sofa, before sitting down next to me. "It's Y/N", you say a little nervously as he leans in closer to you, resting his arm on the sofa above you. "So tell me, Y/N, why is someone as hot looking as you, doing with the 90 odd year old virgin?", he says, getting closer to me. You open your mouth gobsmacked; You didn't realise he was this rude. Steve had told you to be careful of him, and he was right. He leant in closer to you, his breath stinking of alcohol, causing you to look away. Then his arm slipped down around you, bringing you closer to him. You tried to push him away discretely put he kept his grip firm. "A hot chick like you, should be taken for a very wild ride with me don't you think", he whispers to you, giving you a cheeky grin, as he leans in closer attempting to kiss you. You weren't going to have any of this. You pushing your arm up into his shoulder socket, lifting him off the couch and onto the floor, taking him by surprise. He immediately tries to get back up on top of you, placing his hands onto your legs. You immediately kick him in the chest, sending him flying backwards onto the floor. "But Y/N, you were made to love me", he manages to speak, clutching at his ribs and he picks himself up. "Yes Tony, and you were made to kneel", you say to him, a sly grin on your face. His face immediately drops in shock and he takes a few steps back away from you, raising his finger and pointing it at you, attempting to speak. Just then, the door to Tony's room smashes open, flying clean off it's hinges, as Steve rushes in. "Y/N, are you alright? I couldn't remember how the keypad worked on the door", he asks, noticing Starks shocked reaction at you. "Oh no, nothing's wrong. Me and Stark were just getting to know each other", you say smiling back at Steve, winking at Tony, causing him to jump a little. "Good, can't have anyone messing around my granddaughter now can we". If Tonys face could drop even more in shock and surprise, now it just did. "Well, it was nice meeting you too Mr Stark", you say smiling at him as Steve put his arm around you, leading you out. "What was he so shocked about?" Steve asked you as you both left. "Oh nothing, I just told him to kneel", you said, as you both burst out laughing.

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