Imagine Bucky surprising you

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Imagine Bucky surprising you

"Darling, let me do that", Bucky says to you as you try to hang up the picture frame. You were stood on top of a ladder, precariously balanced, attempting to put up a picture you'd just had taken with Bucky whilst out on holiday over in France. You took another swing with the hammer, but lost your footing, sending you tumbling down. Bucky luckily caught you in his arms. "Woah! Easy there Y/N, don't want you to hurt yourself", he says smiling at you, taking the hammer out of your hand and throwing it aside. "Oh well I knew my hero would come and save me should I end up in trouble", you say smiling back, kissing him on the cheek. You grin, before over dramatically pretending to faint in his arms. "Haha, oh Y/N, what on earth am I going to do with you?", he chuckles at you as you spring back to life, overacting in shock. "Not kidnap me and turn into an evil villain I hope", you say, pretending to act all damsel-in-distress style whilst trying to contain your laughter. Bucky laughed at you, holding you tighter. "Come on Y/N, would a villain do this to the woman he loves?", he whispers, kissing you on the lips as you wrap your arms around his neck. "Mmm, I guess not", you say smiling back at him, resting your head into his neck as he carried you into the bedroom, placing you down gently onto the bed. "Y/N, I've been meaning to ask you something, and I think now is the perfect time to do it", he says, cupping his hand on your cheek. "What is it Bucky? Is something wrong?", you ask a little concerned. "Well, the thing is, I think I'm mad". You let out a little giggle, stroking his cheek. "No your not. Your too kind a gentlemen to be mad". "But I am, I'm madly in love with you, and there is one thing in the world that makes me happy, and that's you", he said to you, as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. "Y/N, my love, will you marry me?". "Yes!", you squeal in excitement, immediately drawing him into a kiss, flinging your arms around him. Today was the happiest day ever.

Imagines : STEVE & BUCKYWhere stories live. Discover now