Explain yourself

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Opening Chapter! This chapter will be short because it's the opening to the book!


After jumping off the quarry cliff we all headed back to Will's house for food. I dragged Finn into the kitchen and he gave me a look.

"How important is this?" Finn whispered. I gulped and placed my hands in my face. I was so frustrated with my emotions and didn't know what to do.

"Pretty important I guess?" I replied back and sighed. Finn placed his hands on my shoulders and forced me to face him.

"Tell me. You can tell me..." Finn whispered as he stared at me, I blinked and looked down, my fiddling fingers were shaking and I couldn't believe I was this nervous to even tell him?

"Okay. So, last night me and Mike were asleep- You guys cuddled?" Finn interrupted. I agreed but then told him it was normal cause he was Mike, and best friends can cuddle.

"Yeah we cuddled. But I woke up in the middle of the night and- and I could hear him crying, he was talking about how he was going to finally let me go, he explained that he wasn't going to wait for me. It broke my heart." I explained. Finn licked his lips and sniffled.

His brown eyes blinked, I could feel a wave of emotion hit me. I felt my tears escape.

"You don't want him to move on... don't you?" Finn asked, I nodded a slight no and cried my eyes out, I felt as Finn wrapped his arms around me into a hug.

"You still miss Mike. You're not going forwards any more, you're back to where you started." Finn whispered, I sniffled and felt pain just knowing that I loved two boys...

"Did I hear Finn right? You miss Mike?" A voice cooed. I pulled out of Finns hug and turned to see Richie. I gulped and opened my mouth to say something but Richie nodded a no.

"Explain to me why- Actually never mind." Richie spoke, I nodded a no and made my way towards him but he just walked off.

-chapter one
-Saucy tea

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