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Richie POV

"So you're telling me you saw 'IT' last night?" Mike H asked, I nodded and gulped.

I placed my hands in my pockets and looked down. I explained to the whole gang about what happened last night and what I saw... I didn't mention that I saw Y/N dying, just the clown.

"Are y-you sure? But We de-defeated IT." Bill mentioned, I shrugged my shoulders and looked around at the whole group. They were all silent and had nothing to say.

"We have to find Mia still. That was our plan." Beverly mentioned, I blinked and Ben agreed. Eddie nudged my arm slightly, he gave me a slight smile just to make me feel better... it kinda helped.

"Let's go find her then. Come on, we defeated the upside down, we can defeat this clown." Eleven mentioned, I agreed.

Our plan was to head for the crackhead house and go down that stupid fucking Well where 'IT' stays.

Mike POV

We all started biking to that abandoned home. I looked over at Richie and biked over to him...

"This clown is dangerous, more than the demogorgan so how are we going to fight it off?" I asked as I faced Richie while biking.

Richie didn't reply straight away. It took him a while to reply.

"We'll do whatever it takes. It feeds off fear. We defeated him last time by getting over our fears.. But I don't know how I'll get over my new fear." Richie explained, I raised my brows and licked my lips.

"What is your new fear?" I asked curiously. Richie clenched his jaw and stayed silent again.

"Last night, I-I saw Y/N, and 'IT' killed her." Richie mumbled. I felt my lip quiver.

"Your fear is losing her. That's my fear too, having to deal with the pain of her death..." I explained. Richie agreed and nodded.

Just thinking about Y/N made me feel weak, I wanted to see her and talk to her. I just wanted her in my arms.

Will POV

The others knew their way around this abandoned house pretty well, while me, Dustin, Max, Lucas, Mike and El were just standing there.

"This is where we went when we defeated 'IT'." Stan mentioned as he stood next to me. I gulped and examined the spider webs and the broken wood all over the floor.

I held my flash light up and felt my skin produce goosebumps, ugh I was scared.

The house creaked as we all examined the place out, half of us stayed downstairs while the other half went upstairs. We were calling out for Mia.

Mike POV

I sniffled as I made my way up the creaky stairs. I followed Bill and Eleven who were in front of the group while me, Richie, Dustin, Beverly and Ben were behind them.

"Mia?!" Ben spoke.

I didn't even want to look for Mia, she was a cold hearted girl.

"Mia? Mia are you here?" Beverly whispered. The house creaked and we all looked around.

"Fuck." Richie mumbled then re-positioned his glasses.

"I fucking hate clowns." Richie added on. I agreed and we continued to walk down the hallway.

As we walked down the hallway together in a line we heard footsteps.

"Guys? What are you doing here?" A voice echoed. We all turned around behind us and saw her down the hall way. It was Y/N.

I froze.

"Are we all seeing this?" Ben asked, we all nodded our heads.

Y/N smiled and I missed it.

"Y/N?" I spoke and took a step forward, but Richie held me back.

"Mike it's fake. She isn't real. 'IT' is messing with us. Y/N isn't here." Richie spoke, I gritted my teeth and wanted to run over to Y/N badly.

"Mike, listen to Richie. That's an illusion." Bev mentioned. I sniffled.

"Who says I'm fake? Mike? Don't listen to them. Don't you love me?" Y/N asked. I exhaled and cried.

"I do love you Y/N..." I whispered. Y/N's facial expression changed and then she walked off. She disappeared.

"Come on let's get out of here?!" Dustin spoke, I agreed and we all headed towards the stairs.

-How was this?

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