Weird right?

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Richie POV

I kept looking at her strangely.

"Richie stop. I'm still  Y/N, don't give me those weird looks- I'm sorry, It was hard enough knowing you had abilities before and then BOOM, you become fucking Wonder Woman? Like you can bring things back to life and your healing process is insane. Does this mean you have immortality?" I asked and gave her wide eyes.

Y/N shrugged and folded her arms.
"I don't know, wanna try and kill me?" She asked, I stood up and she pulled me back down to sit.

"I was kidding doofus. Really? You were going to try?" She asked smiling, I nodded a no. She continued to laugh and she faced me.

"I can't even explain how happy I am to have you back." I mentioned, Y/N smiled and I reached for her hands.

Steve POV

I looked out the window and saw Y/N with Richie by the pool. I smiled to myself and called them.

"There's food here if you guys want some." I yelled, they both turned and Richie gave me a thumbs up. What a cute couple. Were they dating? Or was she with Mike?

I don't remember.


Night time was present and me and Richie were playing monopoly. It sucked cause it was only us 2 playing, Steve was cooking dinner.

"I passed Go. Give me 2 million." I spoke and raised my brows just staring at Richie.

Richie handed me 2 million dollars and suddenly there was knocks on the door.

"Y/N can you get it please?" Steve asked, I stood up and checked the peep-hole before swinging the door open. I squealed and jumped into Mikes arms as I saw him.

"YOU GUYS ARE HERE?! What?!" I yelled, Mike smiled and kissed me.

I then hugged the rest of my group.

"Hey, Richie?! Wow you're here early." Will spoke, I nodded and stood next to Richie.

"We were having fun. Guys, please stay over. I've missed you all." I explained smiling and hugging them again.

I greeted Nancy and Jonathan before they started talking to Steve.

Richie glared at me and I raised my brows.

"What?" I mouthed. Richie gestured the stabbing out arm and the dead bird. My lips smacked together and I gathered the gang in the back yard.

Mike POV

Y/N directed us outside.

"What are we doing out here? It's cold." Eleven complained, I stared at my girl and stood next to her.

"I have to show you something, but first." Y/N spoke, We all looked at her and watched as she looked up at the tree, an owl was present in the tree.

Y/N twitched her neck and killed the owl, in front of us. My jaw dropped.

"WTF Y/N?!" Dustin yelled, Richie stepped in and gave us all looks.

"Just watch her." Richie mentioned, we all stepped forward and gathered around Y/N and the dead owl that had fallen to the ground.

Y/N focused on the owl and placed her hand in front of the dead bird. All of a sudden, the owl moved..

"Shit, Shit, Shit resurrection before my eyes." Dustin spoke, Stans eyes went wide. The owl was alive again, the whole group all stood there in shock.

"How- How did you do that?" Bill asked, Y/N shrugged her shoulders.

"I focused really hard on bringing it back to life. I don't know whats going on with me. I've been seeing so many dead things and I can't sleep at night, I have insomia. My bodies changing." Y/N explained, I looked down at our hands, she was gripping mine and I gripped back to let her know I supported her and that I was here for her.

"Also I can do this." Y/N mumbled while bringing out a pocket knife, she sliced her arm quickly and my heart dropped. I held onto her wound,

"No, look watch." Y/N whispered, I pulled away and we examined as her wound closed up. It healed.

"This is some scary shit." Lucas mumbled, Eddie agreed and looked away.

Y/N faced me, "I'm different now. I- I thought I was normal again." Y/N mumbled with a choked voice. I held her close to me.

"It's okay, I'm here for you. Listen to me, I love you okay, we'll figure out what's going on." I reassured her. She wrapped her arms around me and I kissed her forehead.

"Right guys? We'll figure something out." I asked the group. The whole group agreed.

"Wait, So. You can resurrect dead things, and you have an immense rapid growth when you heal... The only way you would have gained those abilities would be through..."Richie didn't finish his sentence.

I gulped.

"Through the Clown. He was the one who resurrected you, and you were the one who killed him. He might- he might be attached to you now." I mumbled, the gang just stayed quite.

"What if the only way to remove IT... is to, kill me?" Y/N whispered. We all nodded no.


-tell me your thoughts? I need feedback!

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