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Mike POV

I was watching as Dustin played Donkey Kong.

"Honestly, how does Max do this? I can't beat her highest score." Dustin complained, I shrugged my shoulders and Ben did the same.

"I don't know dude. Madmax is unbeatable." Ben replied with a smirk, I chuckled and heard as the arcade door bell went off.

I turned my head and scanned the arcade, my eyes then landed on her...

A wave of emotion hit me when she smiled directly at me, I smiled back and began making my way towards her.

As I reached her, a soft smile appeared on my face. I mouthed a "Hi." And she replied with a "Hi."

I took a step forward, "I'm sorry about what happened last time when we had that hang out at Lucas' and- It's okay Mike." She replied with a smile. I placed my hands in my khaki pockets and looked down nervously.

"So, shall we play?" Y/N mumbled, I agreed and followed her to the group. The boys all just smiled at her.

"I'm sorry that I distanced myself from you guys. I-I missed you all..." Y/N explained, the boys charged at her and gave her a group hug. Y/N and I separated from the group and walked over to the pack-man machine.

"Finn has band practise tonight so he couldn't come." Y/N mentioned, I grinned and told her that I knew already because he called me earlier. Y/N gulped and looked up at me.

"Want to go for a walk?" Y/N asked, I exhaled and agreed to her suggestion.

We decided to leave the arcade after telling the group. We were going to walk around town, we stayed silent for a couple minutes.

"Are you and F-finn? Like, you know- Oh no. We aren't dating..." Y/N replied cutting me off, I smirked to myself lightly and kicked a stone as we kept walking.

"How are you and Mia- Over, I broke up with her. She wasn't the girl I wanted to be with." I replied bluntly and straight forward. Y/N stayed quiet and coughed.

I opened my mouth as I was going to start talking but she cut me off.

"The night, the night we cuddled... I woke up and I-I heard you crying. You were explaining that you were ready to move on and let me go... I'll be honest, I didn't want you to move on. Because, I wasn't ready to completely move on." Y/N explained and licked her lips. I gulped and nodded.

"I get that. Do you miss us?..." I mumbled, she stayed silent for a couple seconds and then faced me as we walked.

"Of course I miss us." she replied with a soft smile. I blushed and reached for her hand as we continued walking, we intertwined fingers and she looked down at our hands, she looked back up at me and grinned. I missed this feeling. I missed her so much.

"I love you." I mouthed. Just staring a her gave me so many memories.

I've waited for so long. I was quiet for so long...

- I'll be updating soon! ❤️

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