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Song: You are mine- Secret Nation

Finn POV

"Do you want any food or?...." Y/N asked as I sat on her couch and took off my beanie. I fixed my hair and examined Y/N as she stood across the room with a smile.

I patted a spot next to me on the couch and she walked over with a grin.

"What did you want to talk about- Not just talk about... I mean, I genuinely want you over and hang out with me." Y/N spoke interrupting me as she placed her self next to me. I faced this girl and looked down nervously at my hands playing with my beanie. Y/N gulped quite loudly and I looked up again at her, her cute smile made me melt... Finn stop.

"I-I have to tell you... about, what happened before the hospital, before I even met you. Finn, I was at Hawkins Lab, this lab tested on Humans with abilities... Also they had this alternative dimension- Called the Upside down? Yeah I know Y/N. Dustin explained it to me... Dustin and the rest of the boys told me about it, even about your abilities." I replied.

Y/N raised her brows and looked star struck.

"Wait so you knew? Already? Woah." She replied, I nodded with agreement and chuckled.

"Mhmm yeah. I think it's cool you have powers. But, I also know it makes you weak." I murmured. Y/N bit her lip and smiled at me.

"I know what we can do for fun..." she whispered, my  grin appeared. "What can we do?" I whispered as leaned a little closer.

"Bake some brownies!" She replied. I chuckled to the idea and didn't mind making brownies. Maybe we could make some cookies as well.


I licked my fingers and made sure that they weren't covered with brownie mix.

"Here take the spoon, I finished pouring the mix into the baking tray." Finn mentioned, I giggled and thanked him for giving me the spoon. I started licking it and he watched as he placed the tray in the oven.

"Now we wait." Finn mumbled as he closed the oven door and stood back. We both leaned against the kitchen island counter, Finn turned to smile at me.

"You're so lucky I know how to bake. You didn't even know how to start making the browni- Shh Wolfhard, don't remind me about how bad I am at baking." I replied cutting him off. Finn chuckled and placed his hands in his pockets.
We both stayed quiet and didn't say a word. Just stared at each other for a while.

"I talked to Mike the other night... he misses his best friend, a lot.." Finn mumbled and raised a brow referring to me. I looked down at our shoes and then back up at Finn.

"He hasn't been my best friend lately, he's been with Mia a lot. And, through out this whole thing, ever since Richie dumped me... I've been super close to you... You've been my best friend." I explained while staring at him. He brushed his finger through his curly hair and winked at me with a soft smile.

"I'm glad I'm here in Hawkins until the end of the year. It's really different here though, compared to my town back home...." Finn mentioned, I giggled and agreed. Finn stepped closer  next to me, I decided to lean my head onto his shoulder as we both leaned against the kitchen counter.

"You need to re-join the group. Because, my birthday is coming up and you'll see the whole group at my party this Friday." Finn mumbled. I grinned to myself.

"Don't worry finny. I'll re-join the group." I mumbled back.

-leaning onto each other 😍
-y/n is hanging around Finn a lot ;)

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