Moving forward

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Mike POV

I looked down at Y/N's diary as Mr. Clarke was explaining about Neutrons in science class.

I read over what I wrote in her book today.

Day 15

-2 weeks have basically passed since Y/N died and I still feel the same... Numb and Empty. Her funeral was so difficult, it made me sick just looking at her coffin. Every second of the day I wanted to cry and curl up in a ball. Also, I had anger stored up inside of me.

"Mike, come on. We're doing practical work now." Richie mentioned staring at me. I exhaled and gulped. Slowly standing up Richie examined me, he just stared at me.

"Maybe we should have a talk outside?" Richie mentioned, I looked down and agreed to his suggestion.
Mr. Clarke allowed us to step outside.

"You should go home, Mike, you're allowed to miss out on a few school days... I know how you're feeling- Do you really? Did you lose your best friend? Huh? I loved her" I asked back interrupting him. Richie placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah I loved her too. We both lost a great girlfriend, I feel your pain. Ok? You don't think I do? I regret so many things and wish that I was there for her through her shit... She was my girlfriend too, so yeah, I did lose a bestfriend Mike. I'm in the same position as you." Richie explained, I wiped my tears and exhaled.

"I miss her Richie. She left us. Fucking hell, damn it." I yelled out frustrated. Richie hugged me and I cried.

"She saved us to many times... I couldn't save her once. I'm a failure." I cried out. Richie nodded a no.

"Dude, you're not a failure. Y/N isn't in pain anymore, think about that." Richie mumbled. I wiped my tears again.

"She added more pain for me- She loved you Mike, she would want you to move forward and take each day, step by step... don't grieve about the bad things when it comes to her death." He explained, I sniffled and leaned against the hall way wall.

We stayed quiet.

"I'm going to go home. I- I can't stand being here." I mumbled and turned to face Richie. He agreed and just re-positioned his glasses. Quickly I made my way inside to grab my bag and just walked out.

I lied to Richie. I wasn't going home. I was going to Cliff.

Richie POV

I smacked my lips together as I walked back in. This feeling in my gut made me want to see if Mike was really going home. He had a weird vibe when he told me he was going home.

I signalled for Will and Dustin to come over to me.

"What's up- Mike said he was going home... I don't believe him." I spoke.

Will smacked his lips together.

"Let's follow him then." Dustin replied. The three of us decided to sneak out of class.

-Mikes going to the cliff

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