Come back

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Finn POV

I missed last nights D&D campaign, the group knew. I held my school bag straps and walked towards the entry of the school.

Y/N caught up to me and I turned to face her, she didn't even look at me and continued walking. It was clear that I was next to her. Walking

"Y/N?" I called out, she ignored me and continued to walk faster and ditch me. My eyebrows frowned and I was confused to why she fully ignored me.

Dustin caught up with me and tried chasing her too.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked and pushed my curls out of my face, Dustin blinked and exhaled.

"Richie and Mike's girlfriends said some bad things last night at the hang out, Y/N left the group. She won't listen to me or Will. She won't even talk to Max or Beverly." Dustin replied, my nostrils flared. We entered the school hall-way and I pushed past some students to catch up to her.

I grabbed her hand and she turned to face me, her whole body had leaned back onto her locker as she stared at me.

"What do you want?" She whispered. I licked my lips and gulped.

"I want to know if you're ok. Dustin told me what happened last light, if I was there, I-I would've been there for you. Just because you're out of the group doesn't mean you can ignore me... don't ignore me." I replied, she didn't say anything and looked down.

"Mia and Lelani just laughed at me. They called me dirty- You're not dirty. Don't believe them." I replied interrupting her. Y/N wiped her tears. As people walked past us I wrapped my arms around her and felt as she cried into my chest.

"I wish you were with me last night." She cried silently, I nodded agreeing and leaned my chin on top of her head. I looked down the hall way to see Mike staring at me. My jaw clenched and I hugged her tighter.


The first 2 periods were lonely. I didn't have Finn in my classes. Mike would just stare at me, and I would try to ignore the group. I just wasn't in the mood to deal with them. I didn't see Finn until first break. I was walking over to where he was sitting,

"Y/N?!" Bill yelled, I ignored the group and heard as Mia and Lelani whispered, I shook off my bad thoughts and heard,

"Stop talking about her." Max whispered. My dry throat swallowed and gulped as I made it to where Finn was sitting.

"Thing 1 and Thing 2 are staring at you." Finn whispered as he looked behind me, he was referring to Mia and Lelani. I giggled a little and started eating my food.

I looked up to face Finn. "I'm sorry I'm making you sit away from the group. You have friends there and I'm separating you from th- No, I'd rather sit here with you. You were my first... friend." He replied cutting me off. I smirked and passed him my water bottle.

"For your dehydration problems." I mentioned, Finn mouthed a thank you and gave me a soft smile, and a wink. We continued eating and it became silent between us because we were too busy shoving food into our mouths. Finn still doesn't know about my abilities, or the upside down, or my seizure problems.. I should probably tell him since he's the only friend I'll talk too at the moment.

"Finn? Come to mine after school? We need to talk about some things." I mentioned, Finn agreed.

Finn POV

I wonder what she'll wanna talk about... Is it that important?

What if she tells me she likes me? Do I say that I like her back? No finn don't. She's been through a lot. Don't tell her.

-chapter 4
-Oh man.

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