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Narrator POV

Glendale. A town where nothing ever happened, it was just like Hawkins...

It had another similarity... It had a lab. Dr Brenner's new lab.

While the kids were at Y/N's house figuring out this situation. The workers of Dr. Brenner where roaming around the town looking for paranormal frequencies. They also were eavesdropping on every radio frequency...


It's been 3 days since we figured out that the clown was most likely the one who gave me these abilities.

I wanted to be normal. I hated being a freak.

"You okay? Ugh, About what you told me last night... About the, the clown and what's happening with you, it was really brave of you to tell me. I can pick you up early from school today?" Steve asked, I nodded a no and looked outside the window as he drove.

I told Steve last night about my new abilities.

"Can you tell Hopper about what's happening with me? I'm scared." I whispered. Steve nodded and pulled over.

I felt as my tears streamed. Steve pulled me into a hug and I cried into his chest.

"Don't be scared little one. I'll do whatever it takes." Steve mentioned. I nodded and choked on my tears.

Steve POV

I didn't start work yet. I had an hour to spare after I dropped Y/N at school .

As I entered the house I brushed my fingers through my hair. I just wanted Y/N to be happy, I hated seeing her scared. 

I placed some dishes away quickly and then grabbed the clean clothes, I made my way to Y/N's room and placed her clean clothes on her bed.

My eyes examined Y/N's home phone on her bedside table. My hands reached for it and I placed in hoppers office number.

"Hopper?" I spoke. I waited for a couple seconds.
"Yeah Hello? Harrington is that you? I'm off duty, for now." Hopper replied.
I flared my nostrils and exhaled.
"You need to come see me. It's about Y/N, she-she she has something going on with her. Y/N gained new abilities from that demonic clown. I'm taking a day off of work today, so come asap." I replied.

Hopper stayed quiet.

"I'm on my way." Hopper replied.

-how do you feel?

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