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Mike POV

"How am I suppose to go back to school? People attended my funeral and think I'm dead. I just can't come back to life, this whole town is gonna think I'm like a witch and I do witch craft?" Y/N explained as she paced back and forth, we were talking to Hopper, Joyce, Jonathan, Steve and Nancy in Hoppers office at the station.

I gulped and held her hand so she'd stop pacing. Hopper stood up straight and faced me and my girl,

"I'm just surprised your back. I-I." Hopper muffled, It was hard explaining to the older people about the upside down, let alone a damn demonic clown who brought Y/N back to life.

Y/N raised her brows and looked over at me, her comforting soft smile made me blush.

"We'll also have to contact your mom." Joyce whispered, I sniffled and Y/N held my hand even tighter then before.

"How about I just move a couple towns away, and stay there. No one knows me there, it'd be much easier rather then cause Chaos and explain to this town about my death and resurrections." Y/N replied, I nodded a no. I didn't want her to move.

"No she can't just leave town, I don't want her to- Mike, it's the best option." Hopper spoke as he cut me off, I scoffed and nodded my head.

"She'll have no one to stay wit- I'll move with her." Steve spoke and folded his arms, my lips smacked and Hopper agreed with Steve's volunteer.

"I'm agreeing with Steve. I'm not saying it's a good idea for a Harrington to look after Y/N in a different town but it's the best we got so far. Steve, you and me will go down to Glendale today. Don't worry Y/N I'll sort out some things." Hopper mentioned.


I had a cap on and some shades as me and Mike rode around town, I couldn't be seen.

I held tightly onto Mikes back as he biked, we were on our way to Bens house.

"I don't want you to move. You'll be far away." Mike mentioned, I hugged him from behind. As I hugged him my smile faded, I didn't want to be away from him either.

"Yeah, well. Glendale is only 2 hours away, it's not like I'm 12 hours away." I replied trying to make it seem better. But I don't think Mike was taking it. He stopped biking and we reached Bens neighbourhood.

I wandered why we stopped. Mike turned his head to face me.

"I don't want you falling for someone else, you'll move away and totally forget about me and the gang." Mike spoke, I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Mike, I would never. And I can't stay here, I need to go to school and actually be allowed to go to town. I'm a ghost here in this town." I explained, Mike sniffled and I hugged him from behind again.

"I love you, Mike Wheeler, you'll always be my home." I whispered, Mike hopped off his Bike and turned to face me as he stood there, his arms wrapping around me and my head leaning into his chest.

His chin leaning on top of my head,

"I love you too. Til this day forward." Mike whispered. I smiled to myself and felt major butterflies.

"Yo, are you guys coming or what?" A voice yelled, we turned our heads to see Richie down the street near Bens house, the whole gang came out of the house and just stared at us hugging.

-how do you feel about Steve moving in with you? Mommy Steve :,)

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