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-I feel Mikes pain

Mike POV

I kept biking and didn't bother wiping my tears as they streamed freely. Making my way to the cliff through the woods gave me memories of when me and Y/N use to walk around this area.

I continued cycling on the gravel path through the woods. My eyes would close shut from time to time for a couple seconds, I'd think about her.

I flashed back to the memory of me and her in the school gym looking for dart.

I remember messing around with her in the gym as we looked for dart. I held Y/N close to me as I smiled. I was thanking her for everything.

"Thank you for everything. Making me a better person, putting up with the whole upside down thing and the party. It isn't easy joining a new party/group" I said smiling, she raised her brows and I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her even closer to me, her small grin she placed on made me melt.

"Where would I be without you?" I whispered faintly towards my girl, Y/N giggled and smiled.

"You'd be... stuck in your basement, playing D&D and moping around." She replied with a smirked smile, I chuckled and pinched her lightly.

"Yeah whatever." I replied.

End of flashback.

My eyes opened again as I quickly had that flash back. Tears continued to stream.

I was making my way to the cliff so I could end my pain. It'd be quick and fast. One drop.

Will POV

"He cycles fast." Richie spoke, I agreed and realised where he was going, it was a familiar track.

"The cliff- The quarry one? No it's that way?" Richie mentioned and pointed south. I nodded a no and gulped as I faced Dustin. We didn't stop biking though.

"No, not the quarry one. The cliff, the bigger drop. The one that c-can- The one that can kill you." Dustin mumbled as he finished my sentence. I didn't want to believe what we assumed in our heads. Was Mike going to jump? Fuck.

We all started biking even faster.

My tears streamed down my face. He can't kill himself. No way. I am not losing another best friend.

Mike POV

I placed my bike stand down and positioned my bike. I exhaled a breath. I was a few steps away from the edge of the cliff.

Each step I took towards the cliff would mean I would be closer to seeing Y/N again. My head peaked over the edge of the cliff, I saw the water and took a step back.

My head then looked up and I just whispered a "Why."

Slowly, I began taking steps towards the cliff edge.

"I miss you." I mouthed just thinking about Y/N.

My right foot hovered over the edge and I leaned forward. Time to end it.
All of a sudden a hand pulled me and I leaned back and landed on my side.

"Mike what are you doing?" Richie spoke as we both stood up. I examined Dustin and Will by his side.

"I-I-." I mumbled with tears.

No words could escape my mouth.

"If you think that ending your life will be better... It won't." Will spoke, I nodded a no.

"It will. I won't be in pain anymore, I just want to see her- Y/N wouldn't want for this to happen. Mike, she'd want you to live. Killing yourself won't bring her back, it'll only just put us and the people that love you in pain. We can't lose you too." Dustin spoke choking on his words.

I sniffled.

"Mike, you have a choice to live. Y/N didn't have a choice. You can't do this- But I want too, I want to end my suffering." I replied cutting Will off. Richie just stared at me and nodded a no.

I began turning around slowly so I could face the cliff, and then the flashlights on all of the parked bikes started blinking...

(The boys all stared at the flashing lights on the
bike. Amazement in all of their eyes as they watched
- Narrator)

My bottom lip quivered.

"Y/N?" I whispered as I stepped closer towards the bikes.

(The boys realised it was Y/N. She was distracting Mike And moving him away from the edge of the cliff -Narrator)

-Sorry for late update
- :( ❤️😭

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