Lover not a fighter

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Song: Silence- Marshmellow ft Khalid

Mike POV

"This is so stupid. Why are you still her friend?" Lelani spoke as she confronted Richie. My eyebrows raised and I turned to face Bill as the couple next to us continued to fight. Majority of the gang were at my house.

Eleven and Bill just smirked at each other due to Richie trying to explain why he was still friends with Y/N. I felt as Mia tugged onto my shirt and faced me.

"Do we have to go to Finn's birthday this Saturday? Me and Lelani have this special even- You two can go, me and my friends are going to Finn's birthday." I replied cutting her off. Mia gave me a glare and I gulped.

"Look, if you don't like the way I spend my time... then, we're done. We're over." I mentioned, Mia flared her nostrils and scoffed. My eyes examined as she ran out, followed by Lelani.

The entire group just stared at me... then they all clapped.

"That was intense." Eddie mumbled, I shrugged my shoulders and took a sip of water. Tonight was arcade night, which means... money going to waste. I better ask Nancy nicely this time about getting some extra change. I left the group downstairs and headed upstairs to go ask Nancy for some coins.


I laid in bed and just stared at my ceiling. I've been getting some really hardcore sore headaches, makes me feel like a ton of weight is being placed on top of my head.

Suddenly my walkie made a noise. I turned my head and analysed my Walkie talkie next to my diary on my dresser. I reached for my walkie.

"Y/N, it's Mike. Are you coming to the arcade tonight? I miss seeing you... Over."

I inhaled a breath and exhaled. I missed hearing Mikes voice. I licked my lips and held tightly onto the walkie, I pushed the button.

"Yeah, I'll come. I miss you too, Mike. Over." I replied with a smile. Mike then replied with...

"I've been quiet for so long, I miss you so much it's insane..." He spoke into the walkie calmly. My lips smacked together and I brushed my fingers through my hair.

"I'll see you soon Mike." I spoke into the walkie and then placed it down. My body laid back into bed and I smiled to myself.

-This was cute.
-I'm so lost for this book. I need like a writers block get away

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