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"Are you excited?" Steve asked as he turned to face me. I raised my brows and leaned back into the comfy chair. Steve and I were finally driving to our house in Glendale, it was moving day.

"I guess so. I'm just mainly nervous. I'll be attending a school with kids I don't know." I mumbled, Steve smacked his lips together.

"Yeah and I'll be working at a job, So I can provide for you. I talked to your mom a couple hours ago, she'll be coming this week to see us. She's in the UK at the moment. Her job has her travelling all the time." Steve explained, I gulped and rolled my eyes.

"I know. Anyway, have you seen what our house even looks like?" I asked curious, Steve nodded a no.

"Nope. I just agreed to what Hopper said he'd get us. He was the one who sorted everything out in Glendale." Steve replied. I giggled and focused my eyes on the views.

Suddenly, a thought popped into my head. I thought about Finn... How was he? I missed him. My eyes glanced outside and saw dead birds under tree's, my heart was pounding... what the fuck.

"Steve?! Do you see that?" I asked worried, Steve looked at what I was pointing at. He shrugged his shoulders.

"What?! Tree's?" He replied, I nodded a no and turned back to look at the dead birds.

Tingles ran down my arms and I looked down at my hands, something gave me a feeling that my powers were back. I gulped and looked out the window again. I completely focused on the car driving next to us on the freeway, I flashed the car blinkers and continued to do it to make sure I knew it was me controlling it.

My powers can't come back. No, I just wanted to be normal.

"Just don't use your powers Y/N." I whispered to myself.

Richie POV

Y/N's been living in Glendale for 2 weeks now and everything sucked. School was lame.

"Are you insane? You're not biking to Glendale. Nancy and Jonathan can take us in the van. We're all going to Glendale tonight so we can see Y/N and Steve." Mike Wheeler mentioned, I raised my brows and placed my hands in my pockets.

I hated that she moved 2 towns away. Complete bullshit.

"I'll come back later then, I'm going to the arcade to play street fighter." I spoke and hopped onto my bike. I lied, I was going home to ask mom if she could take me to Glendale now. I wanted to see her.


Thankfully mom was able to take me. We pulled up to the house that Hopper gave us the address too, I repositioned my glasses.

"I'll come get you tomorrow morning. Have a nice time." Mom spoke as I hopped out. I nodded and then turned to face the house. It was a huge house for just Steve and Y/N.

I took one step forward and the door swung open,

"RICHIE!" Y/N yelled and came charging towards me. I smiled and held her in my arms, I slam her around and grinned.

"I'm so happy you're here. I missed you so much." She replied, I agreed and she held my hand, she dragged me into the house.

"You're staying?! Omg great." She whispered, I analysed the house and then was greeted by Steve who was cooking in the kitchen. Wow.

"Richie, come I have to show you something." Y/N mumbled, I followed her and we walked out into the back yard. We sat down by her pool and dipped our legs in as we sat on the edge.

"I have to show and tell you something, I haven't told the group yet, well I haven't told anyone." She whispered, I raised my brows and faced the girl I loved.

Y/N gulped and turned her head to face the chair behind her. It started moving towards us... Her powers were back.

"Y-your powers, their back?!" I mumbled, Y/N nodded and exhaled. Her lips smacked together and she looked down at her fiddling fingers.

"Not just that. I-I, I can do much more." Y/N mentioned. I raised my brow and was confused.

"Like what?" I asked curious, Y/N stayed quiet for a second, until she stood up and reached for my hand, I grabbed her hand and she brought me over to a tree that had a dead bird under it.

"What the fuck- Just watch this." She replied interrupting me. I sniffled and examined her.

Suddenly the bird moved. It came back to life. No freaking way. As it flew away my jaw dropped as I stared at her.

She then brought out a pocket knife and I held my hands up in the air.

"Woah- Richie, look, I'm showing you something." She said interrupting me. I examined as she sliced her arm, her skin opened up and I cringed... All of a sudden her skin healed up rapidly.

"What, How?" I asked confused, Y/N shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know." She mumbled.

-Ooo How ya feel?

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