numb | I'm sorry

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Edit: Back at it again with this Edit of Mike. A reminder that this edit represents what Mike had went through. The song also represents Y/N and Mike.

Mike POV

"Mike, I'm so sorry." Mom spoke as she wrapped her arms around me. I nodded a no and this pain felt all too familiar, I've lost her many times and I will never get use to this feeling.

I pushed and untangled my grip from my mom.

"SHE IS NOT DEAD, SHE DIDN'T LEAVE ME. You're lying, You're lying to me. " I yelled back, Hopper walked towards me and tried calming me down but I wasn't having it.

"Kid, Kid, she's gone- DON'T EVEN SAY IT." I yelled back with tears escaping, my cries had matched the rest of the groups.

Hopper held onto me as I kept on punching him, my anger came out.

"LIAR, You're lying to me. Liar." I mumbled my words as hopper brought me close. I was in so much denial.

"I'm sorry Kid." Hopper whispered, I nodded a no and walked over to group. Arms wrapped around me as my group hugged another.

"Mike, you'll be okay... We'll all be okay." Will whispered, I nodded a no and continued crying. I lost her.

"I-I lost her, I want her back. I just got her back, why did she have to leave me, again." I mumbled as I chocked on my words. My heart had dropped.

Richie POV

Watching Mike was heart breaking. I held back my tears, I didn't want to show weakness, and I couldn't believe she was gone. I wanted to see her badly. I wanted to tell her so many things I should've told her earlier.

It was 4 hours after hearing about her death, we were still trying to process it. All of Our parents arrived at the wheelers and were upstairs while me and the rest of the group were down in the basement.

We were all quiet.

Finn POV

Silence fell up the group as we all sat there just grieving.

"I couldn't tell her "from this day forward." I promised her I would. I promised her a lot of things. I loved h-her so much." Mike shielded faintly as he choked on his words. I clenched my jaw and wiped my tears.

"She knows you love her, and you know that she loves you. She always has. She never moved forward, Mike." I explained just staring at him.

"Guys, she loved us all..."I whispered and looked down at my fiddling fingers.

The sound of sniffles and cries continued to fill up the room. 

- This was short. I'll be updating later on tonight.

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