Find my way back to you

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I couldn't find my way out. I kept going in circles around the sewers and still ended up where I woke up.

I frustratedly cried and wanted to escape, my body fell to the ground and I tired myself out. I looked up and saw the floating bodies, suddenly the noise of bells started echoing.

My head turned around and I stood up feeling scared, I couldn't fight. I had no powers.

"Hello?" I whispered as I looked around. Little chuckles echoed around and I felt my heart pounding.

A shadowed appeared and I squinted my eyes to focus on what I was staring at in the distant.

The clown. IT. Richie and the gang told me all about 'IT'.

"Y/N. So good of you to wake up, from the dead." The clown spoke as he started walking closer. I flared my nostrils.

"Y-you should be dead, my friends killed you- I'm
a demon Y/N, I don't die when I'm already dead. I will always resurrect. " 'IT' mentioned then laughed, he came closer with his claws and pushed me against the sewer walls.

"We have something in common. I guess I'm a demon too, I was once dead. Now, look who's back from the dead and resurrected bitch." I whispered,

I winched in pain as he had his hand around my neck. His face came closer and he showed off his teeth, he started drooling.

"You think your funny huh? You must of gotten your humor off one of your little boyfriends?" 'IT' spoke smiling. I started choking some more and felt my veins form onto my neck. My feet started kicking.

"I could eat you all up, but I need you for my next 13 meals." He whispered and drooled onto my shirt. I cried and started gasping for more air as he held tightly onto my throat.

I gasped for air when he finally let go of my throat. I started coughing as I fell to the ground.

"D-don't hurt my friends." I spoke coughing and inhaled air. He just laughed and did a fake sad facial expression.

"But it'll be easy to hurt them, I know their weakness. Why do you think I resurrected you? I need them to realise that you're real, and then I'm going to kill you, again. In front of them. Your friends think they can overcome their fear, but they won't be able to when they watch me murder you." 'IT' explained. I gulped and felt the bruising on my throat.

"I'm going to kill you- How? You have no powers anymore, and I know your fear as well.
It's losing Mike. How about I do a little Romeo and Juliet for you? How about I kill Mike first? Make you watch him die. And then kill you second. Surely you both can't live without each other." 'IT' teased.

I cried and yelled for him to stop. I held my hand to my mouth and cried some more.

"Stay away from my friends, please." I whispered, 'IT' just smirked at me and started walking away.
"I'm hungry." 'IT' spoke.
He than vanished into the shadows.

My throat was bruised and I could hardly talk, it'd hurt too much.

I had to find a way to escape.

Mike POV

We arrived outside the abandoned house. I looked at the gang as we parked our bikes.

"Let's do this. Come on." I spoke as I held my torch.

I had gulped as we entered the house. Something felt different.

-How was this? 🤩

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