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Song- I needed a song and I chose this cause of the "I'm fucked up" part 😂

Mike POV

Richie faced me. He stood there with his arms folded, I blinked and turned to face the group. We were in Glendale. At Y/N's house.

"She's acting different- Yeah, I can see that." I replied cutting Eleven off. My lips smacked together and turned around to face Y/N in the distance, she was in the corner of the living room just sitting there silently, she was super still... Looked like she wasn't even breathing, she wasn't blinking as much.

Hopper than walked over with Nancy.

"We all need to talk urgently, in a different room. Now!" Hopper mentioned.

We all followed him into the other room to find Steve and Jonathan talking.

Hopper faced the whole group.

"I got a call from Dr. Brenner- What does that bitch want?" I spoke with gritted teeth. Hopper exhaled a breath and stayed silent for a second.

"He called, because he knows about Y/N. He's willing to help her, he's in Glendale with a new lab." Hopped explained, I clenched my jaw and started punching at Hopper.

"Disgusting piece of shit!? WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? I am not SENDING HER BACK TO HIM!" I yelled, I felt as Mike H and Lucas held me back. My chest started rising hardcore, my breathing was intense.

"Mike, Listen to him." Nancy spoke as she faced me, I scoffed and took a step forward.

"I am not allowing you to put my girlfriend in a Lab." I mentioned, my fists clenched up.

"Mike, it's the only way we can help her. They are the only people who can deal with things like this. Things like abilities and portals. They can help Y/N." Hopper explained.

Maybe he was right. I wanted to help Y/N on my own, but, I didn't know how too.


I sat there. I realised they moved to a different room so I closed my eyes shut.

I entered my mind and it was black, all black.

"How are you holding up? Have I tired you out? I'm apart of who you are now." A voice mumbled, I turned my head and saw the clown. I saw IT.

I grinned. "Thanks to you, I'm immortal and a psychopath." I replied. The clown stepped closer and showed off his claws.

"It feels good to be powerful right? Being psycho has its great advantages, we all need a little chaos..." IT spoke and dragged his claws along my arm and then up to my neck. I gulped, my hands were shaking.

"I need you to do something, and in exchange, I'll leave you alone, forever." IT whispered and smiled, he laughed and I just held back my tears, I was scared.

"I need you to...Kill each, and every single one of your friends, once you do, I'll eat them. That's how I'm going to gain my power back. We can work together, you and me." IT explained, I flared my nostrils.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. "You don't think poor Mike actually loves you? He cheated on you. He only uses you Y/N, he feels nothing but Pity. And for Richie, he's dumb, such a useless boy... " IT whispered,
I clenched my jaw, "STOP! JUST SHUT UP, GET OUT OF MY HEAD." I yelled crying.
IT just laughed at me.

"Oh and let's see, what about that boy Finn, wasn't he close to you? Now he's moved away, you wouldn't want anything bad happening to him...And what about those friends of yours? Clueless, stupid losers club. How would you like to watch me eat them all?" IT explained.

I started crying and heard ringing in my ears.

"Shh, Y/N?! It's Mike, I'm here. Listen to me, you're going to be okay, I'm here." A voice whispered.

I opened my eyes and felt as I snapped out of my inner deep mind. Mike had his arms around me and I had fallen to the ground. Mike wiped my tears.

"I can't get the clown out of my head. I want to be normal, let me be normal..." I yelled crying.

-Thoughts? Feelings? 😂❤️👀😭💓

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