Another problem?

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Edit: Enjoy some Richie and Mike edits.

Richie POV

I was biking around town with Bill and the gang making our way to the ice cream store.

"Yeah, I'm glad we fucking followed him. And then half way through trying to convince him... the lights flashed off." I spoke explaining to the gang about Mikes moment the other day. I looked behind me and saw that Mike was biking with Max and most likely talking about Y/N.

I turned my head to the front and continued biking.

"So you're telling me, you think that Y/N stopped him from jumping?" Eddie asked, I agreed and nodded my head.

"Yeah, you should've been there. The lights turned on at the right timing." Will explained. Stan raised his brows.

As we parked our bikes at the ice cream store I hopped off and Ben stared at me.

"How's Lelani?" Ben asked while Beverly walked over to him. I rolled my eyes and took off my glasses so I could clean them with my shirt.

"Annoying. She says I hang out with you guys too much and that I don't have time for her... which is kinda true. But, I don't need her, so we broke up." I explained, Bev just slightly chuckled. Mike parked his bike next to mine and I smiled at him.

"You ok?" I asked, Mike agreed and the other
Mike (H) walked over and basically pushed us into the ice cream store.

Fuck, it was hard choosing a flavour. So I just got what Lucas got, French Vanilla.

As I ate the ice cream we all walked out of the building and stood outside the store.

"I can't believe Finn moved back. I'll miss him, He was cool." Will mentioned, I agreed and exhaled. Eddie nodded in agreement and coughed as he choked on his ice cream... How do you even choke on ice cream?

"I guess he wanted a new start, again - I could use a new start." Mike spoke interrupting Eddie. The whole gang became silent due to Mikes comment...

We all knew he was talking about Y/N.

I re-positioned my glasses.

"I think we all need a new start." I mentioned just staring at everyone.

"Like how Eddie needs a new pair of shoes, dude your shoes are recked Eddie." I mentioned and then pointed at Eddies shoes. No one laughed and I felt as Eddie shoved me. My smile upon my face faded.

Fuck, I was just trying to enlighten the mood.

"You're so bad at jokes." Eddie mentioned, I rolled my eyes and shoved him back. As me and Eddie continued to fight Bill walked off.

"Guys, look." Bill spoke. I exhaled and walked over to where he was standing.

We all examined at what he was looking at.

"Holy shit." I mumbled under my breath.

Another fucking Missing poster.

"Mia Lowesky"

Yes, Mia, as in Mikes ex girlfriend.

I nodded a no. "HELL NO. The bitch is a goner we aren't looking for her." I mentioned and faced the group.

Stan rolled his eyes. "We'll have to try?- It could be a normal kidnap? It can't be the upside down or penny wise." I said cutting off Stan. Bill faced me and gave me a look.

Mike didn't even care. Which was my mood.

"Fuck, what are we? Scooby Doo? We can't always solve a mystery." I explained with my ice cream. Eddie scoffed at me.

"Richie, we're looking for her tomorrow." Eddie explained.

I rolled my eyes and everyone got on their bikes.

"Let's head to Bills. We'll make a plan for tomorrow." Eleven spoke. I faced Beverly.

"We all hated Mia- Richie, we still need to look for her." Beverly mentioned and smiled. Mike agreed and waited for me to hop onto my bike.


After a couple hours of making a plan to look for Mia I was finally making my way home. I mean, I shouldn't be biking home on my own in the dark, it was terrible.

As I biked along the road the cold air came in contact with my skin.

All of a sudden the pedals on my bike became loose and the chain untangled itself.

"Shit." I mumbled.

I hopped off my bike and started fixing it. The night scared me. My ears could hear some faint screaming from a mile away...

I exhaled a breath of cold air and I stood up slowly. I turned my head to see a light post at the end of the street, it was the only light post that seemed to be on...

I blinked and then once my eyes opened I saw Y/N standing under the light post.

"Y/N." I mumbled, I took a step forward and suddenly next to her was IT.

"Fuck." I whispered. I got on my bike slowly and watched as IT waved at me and stood next to Y/N. Suddenly IT sliced Y/N's throat and her blood gushed out of her. God I was about to be sick.

I turned my bike around and began cycling the other direction.

"Richie, that wasn't Y/N. That shit wasn't real. IT was just using your fears against you." I kept repeating over and over.

-btw Richie's fear was losing Y/N so Yep.

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