dont do this

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"Fuck. Fuck This stupid sewer. Ugh this is not the way I'm going to die. I am not dying again." I mumbled to myself as I tried standing up.

My throat was sore and I felt like I was hit by a damn van. Everything started hurting and aching.

I slid down against the wall and looked around. Even If I tried escaping I could never find my way out, I tried all of these sewers and it led me back to the same freaking place.

My head leaned against the wall and I closed my eyes shut. I thought about Mike, was he ok now? Has he moved on already?

I remembered the night I said my goodbyes to him when I had to close the gate on my own.

- flashback

"If something happens to me, then I have to say that you mean the world to me, even with everything we've been through, I'd still chose you. And I didn't want to die and not tell you that... I love you Mike." I whispered, I felt the tears fall.

-end of flashback

I gulped. The time I died, I didn't get to tell Mike I loved him. I died abruptly, I died with him not around.

I inhaled. I wasn't going to die from this fucking clown. Suddenly, I remembered, the clown has control over minds... He can interpret what he wants you to see.

My eyes then opened as I heard mumbling,

"Are you even sure the fucking torches work?"

"Shut up Eddie, I told you they do, so stop complaining and close your breath, your bad breath will wake up 'IT'."

Richie? Eddie?

I stood up and looked around, one sewer tunnel had voices and flashlights gleaming.

A smile plastered across my face.

Mike POV

"Shh, both of you shut up. He'll hear us and then we're done. We'll all be dead just because of your blabbing holes." Dustin mentioned, I agreed and placed a finger over my mouth.

Mike H lead the way and we ended up at the end of the sewer tunnel. My eyes examined the mountain of belongings, the belongings of all the kids 'IT' has eaten.

Shit, I looked up and saw three bodies floating.

"I found Mia." Stan mumbled. I gulped and scoffed.

I held onto my torch and pointed it around,

"She's dead. 'IT' killed her, we were too late." I spoke. My nostrils flared and I felt as Mike H stood next to me and patted my back.

"We still have to kill 'IT'." I mumbled and grabbed Mike's H gun.

All of a sudden,

I saw her. It was Y/N.

"Y/N?" I mumbled as she walked out from the corner of the mountain.

"Mike? I- I" She mumbled and looked at me. Tears escaping her eyes, she took a step closer but we all stepped back.

Bill walked over to me and so did Eleven.

"It's not real. Y/N isn't real, she's dead. 'IT' is messing with us. Kill her now. 'IT' is disguised as her so he could fuck your mind up." Bill and the whole gang explained, I exhaled.

"Kill 'IT' now. Mike, Come on! " Will Yelled.

"I'm not the damn Clown. Please, listen to me. Mike, I'm real." Y/N whispered whimpering. I held the gun up and pointed it towards her. Tears streaming freely down both our faces.

She winched as I stepped closer and placed the gun onto her forehead.

"Mike, I know it's hard. But it isn't her, remember when IT disguised as Georgie?" Bill mentioned, Y/N coughed on her tears.

"Mike, don't please. I'm real, I'm the real Y/N. "IT" wants you to kill me, he knows your fears... please, don't kill me. I died but now I'm back." Y/N blurted out, I clenched my jaw and sniffled my tears.

I needed to kill this clown.

-Mikes going to kill Y/N?
-she's real though.

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