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Song: Smile- Avril Lavigne

Mike POV

I sniffled and felt as Mia pulled me close to her, I stopped staring at Y/N from across the field and faced Mia.

"You love me right?" She asked. I paused and blanked out, Mia stood there giving me a look. I coughed and blinked just staring at her.

"Y-yeah sure." I replied then turned to face Y/N again. Max and Beverly were talking to her on the field since it was Gym Class, but you know, we were outside doing laps.

"Stop staring at her, it's creep- I could say the same for you, I see you staring at her during Science." I replied cutting off Richie. Richie denied it and clenched his jaw. Mia and Lelani then walked off and over to the cheer team practising.

"I only left her because she still liked you- Me and
Y/N never have the right timing." I mentioned interrupting Richie. He just sniffled and we examined as Finn ran up to Y/N as they did laps together.

"Make it the 'right' timing or else... She'll fall for Finn." Richie replied, I frowned my brows.

"Wait what? Are you giving me advise on getting her back? What about you? Don't you want her back?" I asked confused. Then again, Richie was the one who dumped her.

"I do want her back. No one said I didn't. I can see that you don't like Mia that much- What, and you like Lelani? I thought Mia was good, but after what she did with Lelani at Lucas', calling Y/N out was terrible... I'm second guessing a relationship with her. And I'll be honest, she doesn't compare to..." I explained.

"To Y/N..." Richie mumbled. I agreed and placed my hands in my gym short pockets. Richie rolled his eyes as he watched Finn with Y/N.

"Don't start a fight with him. He's our friend, and special to Y/N...- Ha, remember when you started a fight with me? Just cause you saw me and Y/N hugging on her drive way?" Richie spoke making a face. He re-positioned his glasses and I chuckled.

"Yeah, you pissed me off. You had my girl." I replied, Richie scoffed, we both faced Y/N with Finn.

"Now he's got 'our' girl." Richie mumbled. I gulped and sniffled.


I was talking to Bev and Max again. I will say that I missed my girls... they told me all the crap that they hated about Mia and Lelani, it made me chuckle.
I told the girls that I only talked to Finn, Will and Dustin. The other boys tried but I wasn't ready yet, I was angry and frustrated. But, I do miss them. I'll talk to them tomorrow... I just hope thing 1 and thing 2 don't get on my nerves.

It was home time and the bell rang.

Finn had a great idea as we walked out of the school hall and out to the bike rack.

"You'll Bike, and I'll attach this string/rope to your bike and I'll skate board from behind?" Finn mentioned. I giggled and agreed to his brilliant idea.

I watched as Finn tried tying a knot into my bike, my soft giggles escaped my mouth as I watched him trying to attempt a good 'knot'. I leaned forward and decided to help him.

"Finn, you have to loop it aroun-" I stopped talking and realised we were really close, our hands had come in contact. I don't know why we both stopped and just stared at each other... It was a feeling of, not wanting to let go of our eye contact. I smiled as we both snapped out of our glares. Finn chuckled and I showed him how to properly tie a knot.

"You're knots at good, ah sorry I mean, you're good at knots." Finn said as he mumbled his words, he seemed nervous. His smile along his face made me smile.

"And you're good at making me smile." I replied back.

-chapter 5
-flirting oooooooo

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