ache | I'm sorry

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Song: Forest Fire- Brighton


I woke up this morning not feeling to well. My head was pounding and I didn't have the strength to walk or even pronounce my words correctly, I'd stutter and slur my words.

I made my way to the kitchen and watched as mom made breakfast.

"After breakfast, we'll go shop ok!" Mom re-assured me. I agreed and looked down at the table I was sitting at. My head was spinning and I was dizzy as hell. I then thought about Mike, a small smile spread across my mouth and I blushed.
I missed Mike so much. Before heading out of the house I made my way upstairs and made sure I had to do this one thing.

Mike POV

"Yeah. Last night, we walked around town and held hands...One of the best nights ever." I spoke just explaining to the guys. Richie just raised a brow.

"So, are you dating again?" Richie asked, I shrugged my shoulders and nodded a no.

"No. But, I'll be ready when she is. It's all on her." I replied smiling, The other Mike just high fived me and I chuckled.

"What do you think Mia's going to say? You recently broke up with her, AND she's technically still in the party..." Eddie mentioned, I scoffed and exhaled.

"She'll freak out, but, she can't do much. She'll just have to put up with it." I mumbled back. Stan chuckled.

"Y/N and Mike, back together again. Iconic." Stan spoke, I smirked and heard as the rest of the guys chuckled.

"By the way, where are the girls today?- El is with Hopper, Bev went with Ben to buy a few things and Max is... I don't know, somewhere with Lucas. And Y/N told me that she was going to go shopping with her mom today, I think." Bill explained, I gulped and heard as my basement door opened, Finn came running down the stairs and huffed.

"Sorry I'm late. I had to quickly do my laundry." Finn said huffing and puffing. Suddenly mom walked in, she had tears in her eyes and looked shocked. Hopper then walked in...

I stood up slowly and gulped.

"Mom what's wrong?" I asked worried, she took a step down and all the boys stared at her.

She stayed silent for a second.

"Mom?! What's wrong? Hopper tell us?!?!"  I asked repeatedly, mom's bottom lip quivered.

"Boys, I'm sorry. Y/N's Mom called, she passed away this morning." Hopper spoke,

I nodded a no and felt as everything ached, my throat became dry and I was hyperventilating.

"No, No, No s-she, Y/N can't be dead, You're lying to me." I mumbled, Mom walked over to me and held her arms out but I took a step back. The boys whimpers and cries were loud enough to hear.

I felt as my tears escaped, i leaned against the wall behind me. I felt weak and couldn't even hold myself up...

She promised me that she wouldn't leave me.

"I should've saved you"

"You were my home.."

-She's gone.
-what's mike going to do now?

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