3. eliza

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WARNING - If you haven't noticed already, Louis is engaging in disordered eating patterns and heading in the direction of an eating disorder. Please caution yourself if you're easily triggered. Also note that I don't condone any of the dieting/behaviors that he's engaging in. They're clearly unhealthy.

Feb 1

Louis POV

"You're hot and you're cold, you're yes and you're no, you're in --"

I open my phone and immediately switch off my alarm, groaning as the sunlight hits my eyes. It's 7 in the morning on a Saturday and I have to go to fucking work at Costa. Fuck me.

Rubbing my eyes, I head to the bathroom to wash my face. Damn, I look rough. My eyes are bloodshot and my skin is sort of pale.

It's probably because I didn't sleep well last night. This diet has been tiring me out, and I spend the whole day exhausted and hungry.

But when I finally come home and get ready for bed, I can't fall asleep.

Embarrassingly enough, to pass the time before I go to sleep, I go on Instagram and look up photos of food.

Giant cheeseburgers and Nutella donuts and cheesy pizzas. It makes my mouth water, and I have half a mind to go into the kitchen and eat everything in sight.

Sadly, all I have in my fridge right now is diet yogurt and lettuce.

Fuck me.

I guess some people would say I'm taking things to the extreme. Liam and Niall have both given me shit over it when I last saw them, saying that it's okay to eat rubbish every once and a while, even on a diet.

But whenever I try to eat some, all I can think about it stupid Harry Styles and his stupid comments.

"I mean, beer also isn't the best choice for you... maybe a gin and tonic?"

Harry doesn't need to worry about that. I don't drink beer anymore. I don't drink anything but water and plain tea. Tastes like shit, but it's worth it, or it will be.

Grimacing, I remove my shirt and look in the mirror. My stomach is much flatter than it was - and I've lost about 12 pounds so far.

I still feel like I can do better, though, like I can get fitter. I used to have abs - not this gross, flabby mess in front of me.


I head back to my room to change, grimacing as I realize I only have about 5 minutes to get down to the Tube before I'm late.

I shove on my uniform - a black polo and khakis - and pull on a pair of vans. Then I grab a protein bar and shove it in my pocket along with my phone and wallet before heading downstairs.

The Tube is late, of course, and so am I - by 12 minutes. I have the opening shift, so of course ,there's an angry group of 'early risers' waiting for me when I get there to open shop.

I'm just praying my manager doesn't come in within the next hour. I don't need anyone finding out about this.

I unlock the door and head to the back, ready to take on these wannabe hipsters who are literally only here so they can post a photo of their journal in the middle of the coffee shop saying '7am - love my early mornings.'

Rolling my eyes, I head to the register and begin taking customer orders.

My other coworker is coming in at 7:30, as it's usually a two person job, but she lives an hour away so the manager lets her come in late sometimes.

Either that, or she's fucking him.

I spend the next two hours brewing coffee and taking orders and trying not to fall asleep as I prepare lattes.

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