11. problems

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Feb 19 (cont)

I wake up around 2pm with a throbbing headache and a burning sensation in my stomach. Groaning, I lift my head up from my pillow and realize I missed my shift at Costa.

You're not allowed to just skip work like that, no matter how long you've been working there. I'm probably going to get fired, but honestly I don't even care.

I don't care about anything. Any of it. What happened at the club or what Harry said to me. I feel sick just thinking about last night - thinking about the fact that I might be attracted to such a vicious, hateful human.

I beat him up last night and I have no remorse. I would do it again.

The one thing I am worried about though is Liam. I hope he's okay after his surgery. I'll probably never see him again, because of course they're going to choose Harry over me when they find out what happened in that fight. Harry himself said he deserved it and he did, but Liam and Niall are probably done with my shit anyways. They've been putting Harry before me for a while, and this was probably the final excuse to get rid of me.


Whether they kick me out of the group or not, the least I can do is check up on Liam. I send him a quick text asking if he's okay and then head to fridge for ice water.

I have to do a workout but I feel sick to my stomach and the thought of getting on the treadmill makes me want to lean over the trash can and upchuck into it. Instead, I settle for leg lifts on the floor of my bedroom. They don't burn as many calories, but it's better than nothing.

I play some music while I do them, which is eventually interrupted when I get a text message. It's from Niall.

"Hey, lad. Harry told me what happened last night and I think that's really messed up. I'm sorry he hurt you so badly, and I hope you're okay. Can we grab coffee to chat just you and me?"

I roll my eyes. Niall is appearing to take my side in this, but in reality he could be conspiring with Harry. I have no idea who trust anymore, but it's certainly not that curly headed toad who told me I was worthless lard. Wiping sweat off my brow, I respond to the message.

Me: "I guess. How's Li?"

Niall: "He's fine. A bit hungover and finger hurts but he has pain meds. Really upset with Zayn though. Poor lad. He's gonna go see his therapist on Monday."

Niall: "Speaking of, Maybe you could try out a session with her too. She's really a nice and I think it would help."

Oh my god. I don't even have the energy to come up with a witty comeback to his asinine idea so I just ignore that second text.

"Glad to know he's okay," I Type. "Let's meet @5pm in the West End Cafe."

I put my phone down and finish my leg lefts. I was half way done, but I start over at 1 to punish myself for taking a break. I can't be that lazy.

Eventually, 4:30pm rolls around and I tug on a pair of jeans and a jumper and head outside. I don't live too far from the cafe, so I'm a bit early. My head still hurts even though I took aspirin, and my stomach is still burning. I look at the menu and decide upon the green tea. No milk, of course.

"Hey," Niall says a few minutes later as he heads inside. I get up from my table and head over to him, unsmiling. I don't even know why I decided to meet him here.

Well maybe I do...

"Hey," I reply, nodding at him. Niall puts down his coat next to my chair and then heads to the cash register to get a coffee.

I Hate You (Larry Stylinson) ✅Where stories live. Discover now