43. pain

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a/n: Hello, hello! I have been reading all of your lovely comments and can't  thank you all enough for checking this story out! When I started this project a few months ago, I didn't expect anyone to read this. You guys are incredible and I hope you are enjoying everything! 

Also - not sure if you guys know this, but I literally upload as I write the chapters. Most authors on here write the entire story before uploading, but that's not really my style. So believe me when I say I am literally hurrying to get you the story as fast as I can. Hence the typos.... (sorry!) 

Once I finish with this story, I will probably do some editing with a grammar checker to clean it all up. Hopefully the mistakes are not too bad! 

October 12

Louis' POV

"Um, time to go Louis!" Niall says, pushing me in the opposite direction of Harry.

Harry and I have exchanged all but two words so far, and now Niall is trying to break this up? Is he fucking kidding me?

As I turn to face him, however, I realize why he's doing what he's doing. Because behind me, Eliza is making her way out the door, her face red and her eyebrows furrowed like a cartoon character's as she storms outside. 

"Bye, Niall!" I shout, running down the steps. 

"Were you just talking to him?" Eliza fumes to Harry.

"He was talking to me," Niall interjects. "And we have to leave now. Harry and I have a tennis lesson to get to." 

I'm nearly at the bottom of the staircase by now, but I can still hear Eliza's screechy voice making some sort of sarcastic response. 

Sighing, I head to my car and wait, balling up my fists as I listen to the radio. If it was up to me, I would scream at Eliza until her ears dripped blood. But I can't have anything to do with her right now - or Harry even. 

At least not until after we get out of this god forsaken place. 

Craning my neck, I look around the parking lot and spot Louis and Harry heading to Harry's car. At that same moment, my phone buzzes and I receive a text from Niall. 

"Meet us at the coffee shop on Court Street in fifteen."

I respond with a quick okay and start to drive in that direction, my heart thumping all the while. I try my best not to think about what might happen and instead focus on the music playing from the speakers. 

But of course that's impossible. Inside my mind, there's about a million and one ideas dancing around, all showcasing how horribly this could go. How awful an idea this probably even is in the first place. 

Harry hates me. He fucking hates me and I know that for a fact. I know it because of the way he looked at me when he was on the witness stand, and then again on the court steps outside. His face was twisted into a horrified frown, his entire expression radiating a mixture of fear and pain and disgust. 

Based on that look, I know he hates me. I know because it's the same look I used to give him when we first met. That look where I would stare deep into his eyes, scowling and hoping that my hateful gaze was harsh enough to hurt him the way he hurt me. 

I guess it worked in the end. Because I did hurt him more than he ever hurt me. Harry stabbed me back then with his words about my weight, but when I dumped him two months ago, I took the knife and twisted it. 

And then I pulled it out and stabbed him again. 

There's no going back now after what I've done to him. I'm almost certain of it. 

I Hate You (Larry Stylinson) ✅Where stories live. Discover now