34. car rides

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*I stopped doing trigger warnings but this one in particular has self harm and homophobia just a warning in case you're sensitive to that*

July 5

Harry's POV

"Alright, LouBear, the car is loaded. Ready for Swansea?" I call into the flat. I just got done packing the car and telling Liam literally everything under the sun about James' day to day to routine. Now the only thing left to do is get Louis into the car.

Seems simple right? But it's actually oh so challenging.

"Coming," Louis mumbles, though I can tell he's purposefully taking his time. I know he's body checking again. The weather is so warm now that he can't bundle up like he used to, and he often spends nearly a half hour looking at himself in the mirror, torturing himself over every detail of his body.

It breaks my fucking heart.

"Lou, come on, you look so gorgeous today! Especially with that new hair product and those sexy shorts," I say, coming into his room.

I walk over to the mirror Louis is frowning at and use my body to cover it up, instead planting a kiss onto his head.

"Let's go baby, we have to leave," I say, stroking his cheek with the back of my hand.

"Fine," Louis replies. He kisses my mouth and then grabs his suitcase, making a dash to the front door.

"Look, Harry, why are you taking so long? I'm ready before you," he jokes, stepping out into the corridor.

"Very funny," I reply as I begin to lock up. We head downstairs together and I hop in the drivers seat of my black Volvo, Louis joining me in the passenger seat.

"It's gonna be a lot of fun. Luke Williams is one of the guest speakers!" I say excitedly. Luke is one of our favorite writers, who we often look to for inspiration when we're struggling. Apparently, he was added to the list of speakers at the last minute. No one thought they could get him to come given how famous he is, but he said yes the day before the retreat and now he's on the roster.

"That's mental," Louis says, a smile spreading across his face. "What are you gonna ask him at the Q and A?"

I shrug and focus my eyes on the road as I turn onto the highway. "Probably How he gets his characters to develop so quickly and seamlessly. You?"

Louis looks out the window, his sapphire eyes focused on the bushes that line the highway lanes.

"I think I would ask him how to get out of a rut, or how he overcomes writers block," he says quietly. "I can't seem to get past it. For the past few months, at least, my mind has been so cloudy."

I bite my lip and stare at the road. I don't have to say it - we both know why Louis' mind has been cloudy. All I wish is that one day it won't be anymore, that one day he can focus on something else other than his weight or food or exercise.

"Cloudy or not, you're still a great writer," I said with a smile. "Adidas loved that bit about 'finding your passion.'"

Louis turned to me, half smiling. His fringe was styled into a quaffed hairdo and he looked adorable as his big blue eyes blinked back at me.

"Thanks, Haz," he giggles. "It was all bullshit, though."

"So was my bit," I laughs. "I know nothing about sports. I just kept using the words 'hard work' and saying to 'train like you mean it.'"

Louis elbows me playfully in the rib and I tickle his neck, causing him to wiggle a bit in his seat.

"Love you, cutie," I say.

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