5. sorry

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Feb 7

I fumble with the collar on my black button down and run some product through my hair before heading out. I have no idea why I'm so nervous - I hang out with Liam and Niall all the time.

But then I remember why I'm freaking out. Harry is going to be there.


Sighing, I pull on a coat, lock up and head to the Tube. It's only a 15 minute ride to the pub, but of course, there are delays again. Oh well. I guess I'll be fashionably late.

I walk into the pub about a half hour later, my heart beating rapidly. As I look around, I can spot Niall in a booth near the back, so I head over.

"Hey, mate!" Niall says, slapping me on the back.

"What's up?" Liam says, giving me a high five.

I look at Harry, awaiting a response. "Nice to see you again, Louis," he says, raising an eyebrow.

"Thanks. Hey guys," I say, sitting down next to Niall in the booth.

"So how's it going?" Liam asks. "Long time no see."

I resist the desire to roll my eyes. It has been a long time since I've seen Liam, but he's seen Harry plenty according to His snap stories.

"Yeah, I've been good, writing," I say cheerily. "Gonna get a quick drink."

"Don't worry, we have a pitcher," Niall says, pulling me by the arm and pointing towards the pitcher of Miller in front of us.

My stomach lurches and I pray to god that my face doesn't show my disgust. I can't have that beer - it'll just make me fat. Fat. Fat. Fat.

"You okay?" Liam asks, furrowing his brow as he takes a sip of his beer.

"Yeah," I nod. "Pitchers, great. Well, I might just get something at the bar. Not really feeling the beer..."

"Why not?" Harry asks. His green eyes connect with mine and he twirls a loose curl in his finger, licking his lips.

"I, um... I had it yesterday," I lie.

"No, you didn't. You got gin and tonic last night," Niall chimes in wagging a finger at me.

Niall and Liam look at each other and then nod. "Is this about The diet?" Liam asks.

I shrug and rub my cheeks, which feel hot. "Kinda."

"Mate, I told you, it's okay to get off it every once and a while," Niall says, laughing. "You're so uptight lately."

"Yeah, mate you've got to cool it, cheat day every now and then, yeah?" Liam adds.

"Yeah," I reply. I force a smile and reluctantly grab a cup. "Anyways, how have you all been?"

"Great!" Liam says, his brown eyes gleaming. "We're working on a new project at the firm. Making a new social media video for Pret. Harry's writing for us!"

"Oh that's so cool, Harry," I say, smiling in his direction. I mean, I'm a writer too... why Did they choose harry for the job and not ask me?

"Thanks, mate," Harry replies in a monotone. "I prefer poetry but dabble a bit in directing too. I wrote for HBO for a bit."

"Yeah, he's great," Niall gushes. "Super funny content!"

"Yeah. Mad skills. Another pitcher?" Liam asks, pointing at the empty one in front of us.

Niall and Harry nod and I force a bit of my untouched pint down my lips, hoping not to draw attention to the fact that I'm not drinking. The thick, calorific liquid drips down my throat and my stomach instantly feels full and bloated.

I Hate You (Larry Stylinson) ✅Where stories live. Discover now