41. reasons

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a/n: I'm sorry to upset so many of you in the previous  chapter with the breakup. I promised you there's a reason why Louis did what he did. Here it is!

Louis' Pov

October 1st

It's October now. It's been almost two months since Harry and I broke up.

I don't even know what to say. There are no words to really describe how I feel. I guess I could say empty. Ruined, maybe. Devastated. But in the end, nothing can really do it justice. It feels like I've been broken down, pulverized to a pulp inside.

It feels like I'm dying.

The fact that I haven't seen him in two months tears me up. But what's even worse is that he doesn't even know the truth. He doesn't even know why I dumped him. He doesn't understand that I had to dump him.

He thinks that I wanted to do it, and that couldn't be further from the truth.

I didn't break up with Harry because he was putting a strain on my mental health. I broke up with him because I loved him. Because I loved him so much that I couldn't stand to see him lose everything just to be with me.

It all started the night after Harry had a panic attack outside of the Thai restaurant. I remember on the way home, I noticed a man following us down the block after we reached the subway next to Harry's flat.

When I headed back to Liam's the next morning, another similar looking man seemed to be following me again.

I didn't think anything of it at first, but when he slowed down near Liam's flat and began to take a photo, it raised my suspicions.

"Liam, some weird guy dressed in black followed me home and took a photo of the building," I said as I got inside.

"What?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

He walked over to the window, looking down, and spotted the man, who was still lingering outside.

"I think that's a private investigator, Louis," he said when he returned to the kitchen.

"Why the Fuck is a private investigator following me?" I asked, snorting.

"I don't know. The last time I even heard of a private investigator was when Harry had to go to court with Eliza," Liam said with a shrug.

Suddenly, my eyes flew open. "You don't think this has to do with Eliza, do you?" I asked.

"Oh my god. It might. You did say she was really, really mad to see you in Harry's flat, spending time with James," Liam replied. "This could be an attempt to get dirt on you."

"Well they won't find any dirt," I said with a shrug. "Unless, fuck. I did get a DUI in uni... and arrested for possession... but that was like ages ago."

"Oh god," Liam groaned. "They can use that in court."

"Shit, fuck. Well what do we do?" I asked frantically. "Should I call Harry?"

Liam shook his head. "Let's at least make sure our theory is right first. I'll get in touch with Bruce, my lawyer friend. He knows everyone in the law business. He should be able to tell me if Eliza is working with someone. It's supposed to be confidential, but all they lawyers get pretty drunk when they go golfing."

"Right," I replied, nervously. "Okay."

A few days later, Liam returned with the news. And they were not pretty.

It turns our Eliza was working with a lawyer, one of the biggest in the industry, Danny Rossman. And Danny was working with multiple private investigators who were looking for Harry's partner.

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