48. epilogue (the last chapter)

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A/n: Hey guys - this will be the last chapter. I am so sad for this story to end! I loved reading your comments and seeing that people were engaging with this story. I can't put into words how much it means to me. I know it's just a story, but to me it's much more than that. I've dealt with a lot of what Louis goes through, and for me it was so powerful to share that experience and show others that they're not alone in their struggles.

This story started off very dark, and I genuinely thought that would turn most people away from it, but so many of you stuck through and I'm so grateful. Sometimes you need to go through darkness to get to the light, and I hope I've shown that throughout this story.

Anyways, I wish everyone the very best and I hope that you enjoyed the story!  We started on Louis' POV so we will end on it too. Fast forward 7 months into the future.

May 1 - the following year

"Harry, let's go!" I shout from the hallway. I adjust the collar of my pastel pink shirt and shuffle down the stairs to the car, hoping Harry is following after me.

Sure enough, he's not. And so I head back upstairs, only to nearly crash into him as he sprints down the hallway with James in his arms.

"Ah, sorry Lou! Couldn't tie my tie," he says, as we speed walk together. "It's not bad if James is late to his own christening, right? Or maybe I'll just rush..."

I chuckle and shake my head. "You can't speed to the church, Harold. Baby on board. They'll have to wait."

As we reach the car, Harry hands James off to me and I strap him into his carseat, double checking that the clips are fastened. James is one now, and his hair has grown in a dark brown color - just like Harry's. He has Eliza's eyes, bright blue, and a smile that could melt your heart. I rattle one of the toys on James' carrier and then close the door, popping into the passenger seat. Harry floors it, not worrying if I've even managed to close my door.

"I'm so nervous," Harry huffs, clawing at his collar. He's wearing a white button down with black slacks and he looks absolutely gorgeous. Not too long ago he cut his hair - which I thought would be the death of me, honestly - but it looks flawless. In fact, having shorter hair helps to showcase his pretty face even more.

"Don't worry, babe," I say, squeezing his thigh. "I should be nervous. I'm the god father."

Harry snorts. "Just make sure he doesn't drown in the holy water and you'll be fine."

We make it into the church with minutes to spare, and Harry rushes to his pew next to Eliza, quietly apologizing. She offers him a tense smile and takes a deep breath. It's not great, but it's also not the worst reaction in the world. Trust me, it could have gone way worse...

Eliza. Wow, where do I even start with her? Over the past several months, Eliza has transformed from an absolute dragon to a slightly less threatening lizard. She's still blunt and rough around the edges, but she's stood by her apology and has stopped bullying Harry and I entirely. 

Personally, all I ever really wanted from Eliza was for her to shut the fuck up and treat me with some respect. And she's managed to do that for the most part. But she told Harry she wanted to be a better friend and coparent with him. And after a few weeks it was clear that a friendship was not in the cards.

"I can't be her friend... she was trying to tell me about her bikini wax and her Tinder matches. She asked me to go to the spa with her," Harry told me one day after work. "What the fuck, Lou?"

"Yikes," I replied, handing him a cup of tea. "Hell to the no. Just tell her it's too weird to be friends."

"I have to. I will," Harry replied. "Shit's too crazy."

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