26. improvement

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April 23

Harry's POV

"Hey, love," I say, setting down our breakfast on the counter. Since I found out about Louis' relapse a few weeks ago, I've been doing my best to eat as many meals as I can with him. Even if it means waking up early and coming to his house before work.

"Tired," Louis groans, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I know, baby," I say as I hand him his plate of eggs and toast. "But we have work today. Do you want your gummy now or later?"

"Now, please," Louis says, laughing. "I fucking need it."

I smile and go into the cabinet to get Louis' gummies. One of his doctors had the genius idea of getting him a medical marijuana card, and so far it's been working wonders on his appetite and his anxiety. Louis still has a tough time eating, but nowhere near as bad as before. In fact, he's slowly starting to put weight on, and it warms my heart to see the color come back into his face, and the sheen return to his hair.

"Ugh, can I eat this after the gummy kicks in?" Louis groans, mushing his eggs on his plate.

"You, can if you really want to," I say with a shrug. I've learned to give Louis more control because if I try to force him to do things, he'll just do the opposite.

His nurses have been monitoring his weigh ins to make sure he's not tricking the scales anymore, and he truly is making progress, so I've started to trust him more.

Louis sighs and looks at the plate. "No, I'll just eat now. Thanks for helping me get this gig, by the way. I'm so excited to work on the Adidas commercial."

"That was all Niall's doing. He's the one who got Adidas as a client anyways," I say. "But of course I'd invite you on board. We need writers like you, Lou. You're so talented."

"And I know about football, unlike some people!" he chuckles, taking a bite of the eggs.

"I messed up one technicality and now I'm going down in history as the world's least educated football fan. Wonderful," I say with a dramatic eye roll.

Louis giggles and then hands me his plate, which is mostly cleaned aside from the crusts of the toast.

"Awesome," I say, planting a kiss on his head. "Gonna get dressed?"

Louis nods and rushes to the bedroom, emerging a few minutes later in loose fitting slacks and a white collared shirt. We've been on really shaky ground in terms of intimacy, ever since his relapse. Oftentimes, still doesn't want me to see him still. It breaks my heart, but I don't want to push him too far or make him uncomfortable.

"Lou," I said quietly a few nights ago as we were cuddling over a Netflix show.

"Hmm?" he looked up, rolling on the bed towards me. He was dressed in a ridiculous pair of baggy flannel pajamas, even though it was almost summer.

"I know you don't like me seeing you as you get healthier," I said, carefully avoiding the word 'weight gain' as I knew it would set it off. "But I just want you to know it's okay to feel uncomfortable. There's no shame in it, yeah?"

Louis nods, cuddling up against me. "I know, Haz."

"Okay, then look," I began. I took a deep breath and rolled my boxers, showing Louis the very tops of my thighs. "It's not just my arms and wrists. I used to do it here too...."

Louis peered over at my thighs with curious eyes and extended a hand, looking to me for permission. I nodded and he started to touch the skin. The scars had faded long ago but the skin was still bumpy and raised.

I Hate You (Larry Stylinson) ✅Where stories live. Discover now