Part 15- Dammit Riley!

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Ok so I had originally asked for 160 reads total before I’d post the next part (which was +18) and I looked at it an hour later and it already had 162! I decided to raise it to 170 (+28 which I figured would be asking too much) and I looked back a few hours later and it had 190 (+48)!! OMFG GUYS THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH I DID NOT EXPECT THIS!!!!!


Riley’s POV

     "You definitely did scare me, I thought you were mad at me! So how did you get those scratches?" Lindsay asked Toby.

     "I uhhh...I was itchy because of this shirt." Toby hesitated then uttered, "Stupid shirt."

     Then I spoke up, "Don't blame it on the shirt." Lindsay gave me a confused look so I began again, "I did it," I confessed, "I scratched Toby. I did it because I really like you Lindsay. I know that doesn't make much sense but...I grabbed Toby's collar so he would listen to me and I guess I scratched him as I did it. But I got jealous cuz I thought you liked him more than me..." there was an awkward silence so I decided to break it, "I love you Lindsay..."

Lindsay’s POV


     ‘Fuck! No Riley!’ I didn't know what to say! Riley just told me he loved me and hurt a friend just so he could have me to himself?! What do I do? Say? Think? My true feelings were I liked Riley about 7/10 and Toby probably the same! Yes, I liked Toby too… ohhh… liking two brothers never works out well… guess it was sort of a good thing Connor wasn’t there or I probably would’ve liked him too!

     "Well, um, uh, Riley, I, uh," I staggered, “I don't know what to say...or think."

     "Well maybe I should go to the house cuz this isn't really my business…" said Toby who just backed away.

     "So," said Riley "Do you love me? Or just like me? And don't just leave cuz this is awkward, answer me please. Please?" Riley pleaded almost crying. ‘Wait…is that a tear? Yes it is! Riley McDonough is crying over …over …ME!!’

     "Don't cry Riley, I do really like you because once you get past the big tough Riley, you get the soft Riley." I hugged him tight and he held me there against his chest. "Oh Riley! Please stop crying. I really do like you." Riley stared into my eyes and I stared in to his, and we kissed. Soft and passionate like before. His kisses are indescribably magical!


Do you think Lindsay will ever love Riley back?

Do you think she'll stop liking Toby?

There's something big in the next part!! So how about a vote or comment for this one? :D

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