Part 34- The End...Of A Friend?

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Riley’s POV

     "Honestly, I have no idea who did this to me but I do remember a little bit. I was sleeping and I woke up briefly before I felt something prick my arm. Then I blacked out! I woke up with a bunch of people around me and one of them said they’d kill me if you guys didn’t find me in 3 days. Then I blacked out again. I did wake up earlier today and saw someone with light brown hair. I recognized his voice but I couldn’t remember much at that moment and my vision was fuzzy." Toby explained to us.

       Lindsay returned to hugging Toby and I did too.

       After a short time, I pulled away because a thought began to cloud my mind. I stared down and zoned out just thinking about it, then I frowned as I realized something. “Riley?” Toby snapped his fingers in my face, “Whatchu thinking about?”

       “Just…” I paused, “you recognized the voice of the light brown-haired guy, you and I are brothers and we’re both in this weird, messed up world…”

       “What are you getting at?” Toby asked me.

       “Do you think that guy could’ve been Connor? Like, why would only 2/3 brothers make it? Why not all 3?”

       Toby’s jaw dropped, “Oh my god!” he said hopefully, “Maybe…” but then his face quickly saddened, “It couldn’t have been him, Connor would never try to kill us.”

       I nodded, “You’re right.” Tho I couldn’t get the thought out of my head. ‘Maybe he’s brainwashed or something.’ But I kept that to myself and returned to what happened to Toby, "When you felt that spike in your arm, maybe someone gave you a shot with a needle and injected you with something." I suggested.

     "Probably, but who else is here that wouldn't want us to be alive?!" Toby answered. No one had a reply for that.

     We all decided to go home to devise a plan to catch this person, or people.

     The plan we came up with was to put a dummy that was supposed to look moderately like Toby still at the top of the tower. So when the people came to kill him off at the end of the 3rd day, we could capture them.

Lindsay’s POV

Day 16- Monday

     The day after we found Toby, I climbed up the water tower at approx. 10:00pm and placed the gagged, blindfolded, tied up, life-sized dummy at the top. We didn’t know exactly when Toby was kidnapped except that it was during the night before 12:00am. Had it been after 12, that would mean tomorrow is day 3 but we know it’s today.

     Then I hid behind a raised up part of the top of the tower until I saw someone. The only weapon I had was my hands and feet because I knew karate. Riley was ready at the bottom with my neighbor's pistol that he stole. Toby was safely hidden because we thought he might be a target.

     I was going over how I was gonna attack him constantly until at about 10:10pm, a figure appeared at the top of the ladder. It grabbed the dummy and was about to throw it off when I came out from behind the raised up part.

     I ran at him full speed and was about to jump-kick him off the edge when he turned around, dropped the dummy, and dove out of the way. I landed too close to the edge of the tower and quickly tried to crawl closer to the middle. We both stood up at the same time and I went to kick him but he swiftly grabbed my leg and spun me around. It all happened so fast I was confused for a second…until his arms tried to grab me from behind. Before he could grab his hand in front of me and close the bear hug, I elbowed him multiple times until he stopped trying to grab me. I then turned around and he did a sweep kick to my knees and I fell on my back. He grabbed my foot and pushed me towards the edge all in one rapid movement.

       I was about to get up when he kicked me off the edge of the tower. I was holding on for dear life with one hand when the person jabbed a knife into my hand. Then he yanked it out and I let go of the edge of the tower. There was no way I could’ve hung on…

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