Part 33- Left To Die

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Spent all day editing this and I hope you like it! Last part goes up tomorrow!!!!!!!!


Toby’s POV


       I finally awoke after being passed out for who knows how long. I looked around and realized I was up really high but I wasn’t sure where. Everything was a little fuzzy.

       Then I tried to move my hands…but I couldn’t. My hands were tied behind my back! I tried to stand up but someone pushed me back down.

       “Stay the fuck down there and stay still.” I was about to yell at him but he covered my mouth with a gag and tied my feet together. I could see that he had light brown hair but that was really it and I recognized the voice but I couldn’t remember exactly who he was. I guess my memory was a little fuzzy just like my vision. I wiggled around, trying to get away from him but he held me down and blindfolded me.

Lindsay’s POV

    When we got to the park, we searched around the fence that surrounded the water tower and in the park for Toby for over 3 hours but found no clues and no Toby.

     "Where do you think he could be?" Riley asked me, nervousness clearly filling his voice.

     "I don't know, maybe we should look inside the fence at the tower. Because the water tower IS the highest point."

     To get to the other side of the fence, we had to climb it. It was 10 feet high! When I was switching my legs to the other side at the top, I slipped and fell. I landed flat on my back and it knocked the wind outta me for a second, but I was okay.

       “Are you okay?” Riley asked, rushing over to me.

       I nodded and replied, “Yeah.” He offered me his hand and I took it so he could help me up.

     We searched for a few minutes before Riley asked, "Find anything?"

     "No noth..." I stopped mid sentence when I spotted a small piece of fabric hanging from the ladder that lead to the top of the tower. “Riley! Come see this!" I shouted.

     He quickly rushed over and pulled the fabric off the ladder. "This is part of Toby's t-shirt! The one he was wearing last time we saw him! He's gotta be at the top of the water tower!" Riley exclaimed with a huge smile on his face.

       “Then what the fuck are you waiting for?!” I shouted at him.

       "You go up first and I'll come up behind you." He told me.

     "Alright." I agreed.

     I started heading up the ladder when I felt something grab my foot. I panicked for a split second before I realized it was just Riley trying to grab the ladder.

     Finally we reached the top and guess what we found…

     "Toby!!!" I shouted as I ran over to him. He was gagged, blindfolded, and his arms and feet were tied up. As quick as I could, I pulled off the blindfold and his eyes lit up when he saw me. Then I ripped through the gag and threw it off the side of the water tower.

     I tried to untie his arms but the knot was too tight.

     "Riley! Come here! I can't get his arms untied."

     "Well guess what, I still have the pocketknife from the pharmacy." he took it out and quickly cut through the ropes on Toby's hands and on his feet.

     Once he was free, I pulled him to me as fast as I could and held him in my embrace. "Oh Toby! I was so scared!" I said as he cried on my shoulder. Riley joined in and it became a group hug. "Who did this to you? Did you see anyone else?" I asked him.



What do you think is gonna happen to them?

Team Toby or Team Riley?

Thank you for reading this far! Means so much to me :))

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